I am currently working on a modified version of Oiram, the Mario clone made by MateoConLechuga for the Ti 84 CE, that adds quite a few items into the game. The current list of things being worked on are:
If you think of anything else you want added (note that powerups are extremely hard to add) please let me know! I will post an update once I release a beta version.
- ▪ One way walls from Mario Maker
▪ On-off switches (Linked to blue blocks and coins)
▪ Double Jump Powerup (Yes, a brand new powerup!)
▪ Bullet bill blaster that shoots forwards (They currently only shoot backwards)
▪ Non-dynamic Powerup Blocks (If you're small, you still get a fireflower/leaf from the block)
▪ Climbable chain (like in the airship cutscenes from smb3)
▪ 3 block wide pipes
If you think of anything else you want added (note that powerups are extremely hard to add) please let me know! I will post an update once I release a beta version.