Hello ladies and gentlemen!
The developers of jsTIfied, our online emulator for the TI-73, TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+/SE, TI-84+/SE, and TI-84+CSE has thought about a way to eventually add embedded jsTIfied in posts. The format would be something like [jsTIfied]https://www.cemetech.net/projects/jstified/?loadfile=1481[/jsTIfied] which loads a file from the Archives (in this case with ID 1481) into either an embedded jsTIfied, with an option to expand the keyboard and such, or into a link which directs you to the right page. As said, we could think of 2 main possibilities:
Hereby we are asking the userbase of Cemetech, what they prefer and if this actually would be useful or nice to have. Throw your input in this topic!
Use jsTIfied
jsTIfied online graphing calculator emulator
The developers of jsTIfied, our online emulator for the TI-73, TI-81, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+/SE, TI-84+/SE, and TI-84+CSE has thought about a way to eventually add embedded jsTIfied in posts. The format would be something like [jsTIfied]https://www.cemetech.net/projects/jstified/?loadfile=1481[/jsTIfied] which loads a file from the Archives (in this case with ID 1481) into either an embedded jsTIfied, with an option to expand the keyboard and such, or into a link which directs you to the right page. As said, we could think of 2 main possibilities:
- Replace the [jsTIfied] BBCode with only the calculator screen, which you can play with if you click on the screen (to focus) and hit the keys. At the bottom there might be a small arrow, which reveals a keyboard, file upload (and maybe skin?) to control more functions. A direct link to the real jsTIfied will be provided as well.
- Just a jsTIfied icon + link to the real jsTIfied, which obviously redirects the user to jsTIfied. This is pretty much the same as using [url] and [img], for example like this:
Click to test in jsTIfied.
Hereby we are asking the userbase of Cemetech, what they prefer and if this actually would be useful or nice to have. Throw your input in this topic!
Use jsTIfied