An expiremental alpha v1.3.5 was released, but without it's source.
- Credits button replaced with the 'OPTIONS' button, once again.
- World sped up to a pretty decent speed (finally). I have achieved this by making a tileset (texture pack) named MCCESPR. External Texture pack support will be added later.
- Only blocks from GRASS up to the ladder or torch is placeable, but has a black background.
- The inventory still uses sprites, but some have a white background, even though I used det(75,255) to hide the white background.
- Textures are cartoon-y and need to be fixed, so someone please help with that...
- Options menu is not fully implemented, so it pauses in the menu, until the key loops are added, which will be soon also.
- Maybe more, but not sure...
EDIT: Like I said, the included texture pack is meant to make it look exactly like minecraft, but I need someone to make it look like it for me please. I cannot do all these things on my own...
Also, I want the community's opinion:
- Should I add a Minecraft Store? (More about it below)
About the Minecraft CE Store:
This store will have a unique saving system, using my own custom reading system, which will not have its source released (so that users cannot hack the system). This system will read a set of special characters and numbers to set the coins value.
However, a part of the system I will release is this:
In order to receive coins, you will need to trade 1 experience point (obtained by the time you play the game) for 5 Coins.
NONE of this is added yet, as I haven't yet gotten around to it.