This is intended to be interfaced with and arduino mega.
Left is the z80, right is AS6C1008 128kb ram chip. Middle is a paging circuit using two NAND gates. Its a bit weird but does what i want. Ram is split into 32kb pages, the z80 can of course address two banks, and the ram chip has 4 pages. When the z80 addresses bank 0, page 11 is always selected. When the the z80 address bank 1, the page 00, 01, 10, or even 11 gets used, depending on the status the PAGE_0 and PAGE_1 lines.
M1, RFSH, WAIT, and HALT are left NC, while NMI and INT are tied to 5v. The clock signal is, of course, connected to the CLK pin. The "3pin_cap" is a full can oscillator, such as (and is incorrectly marked "as 3pin_cap" not "3pin_can"). To pause the z80 while it performs operations, the arduino will stop the clock by setting the pin connected CLK_ENABLED to low. The other unmentioned z80 pins (as well as the data and address buses) are connected to the arduino for control.
Just posting this becouse some people here seem to doubt my ability to engineer circuits and i wanted to make sure I wasn't making a major mistake before ordering parts
Left is the z80, right is AS6C1008 128kb ram chip. Middle is a paging circuit using two NAND gates. Its a bit weird but does what i want. Ram is split into 32kb pages, the z80 can of course address two banks, and the ram chip has 4 pages. When the z80 addresses bank 0, page 11 is always selected. When the the z80 address bank 1, the page 00, 01, 10, or even 11 gets used, depending on the status the PAGE_0 and PAGE_1 lines.
M1, RFSH, WAIT, and HALT are left NC, while NMI and INT are tied to 5v. The clock signal is, of course, connected to the CLK pin. The "3pin_cap" is a full can oscillator, such as (and is incorrectly marked "as 3pin_cap" not "3pin_can"). To pause the z80 while it performs operations, the arduino will stop the clock by setting the pin connected CLK_ENABLED to low. The other unmentioned z80 pins (as well as the data and address buses) are connected to the arduino for control.
Just posting this becouse some people here seem to doubt my ability to engineer circuits and i wanted to make sure I wasn't making a major mistake before ordering parts