Since I'm tired of making new forum posts for ICE, this is where all if it will be from now on. When answering my posts please begin your post with the topic number (e.g. T1), as sometimes I will post multiple questions at the same time)
T1. Storing Variables in ICE
I've been using ICE for just about all my programming lately, learning all I can from PT_'s documentation. I've had a hard time trying to figure out how to store lists into the calculator. I don't mean something like "CopyData(L1,3,1,2,3,4,5)", because L1 will not be "{1,2,3,4,5}" if you were to recall L1 from the homescreen. I'm pretty sure I have to store my list in an appvar, but I don't know how to.
For Example: I am making a baseball game. One of the most obvious things I need is a save option. If i want to save balls, strikes, and outs respectively into the appvar "BBALLSAV", how would I do that, and how would I recall them. I know I have to use "BBALLSAV"s memory address (I think), and I need to use "sum()" functions, but beyond that, my knowledge stands on "thin ICE"
T2. Using det(90) - Rotating Sprites
I thought initially that using det(90) would be fairly simple to me, but as it turns out, it hasn't been. For some reason, ICE refuses to rotate my sprite (my sprite is a square 12x12). I pretty sure I followed the correct syntax as stated in PT_'s documentation, but I must have not. Please give me an example on how to rotate a sprite.
T1. Storing Variables in ICE
I've been using ICE for just about all my programming lately, learning all I can from PT_'s documentation. I've had a hard time trying to figure out how to store lists into the calculator. I don't mean something like "CopyData(L1,3,1,2,3,4,5)", because L1 will not be "{1,2,3,4,5}" if you were to recall L1 from the homescreen. I'm pretty sure I have to store my list in an appvar, but I don't know how to.
For Example: I am making a baseball game. One of the most obvious things I need is a save option. If i want to save balls, strikes, and outs respectively into the appvar "BBALLSAV", how would I do that, and how would I recall them. I know I have to use "BBALLSAV"s memory address (I think), and I need to use "sum()" functions, but beyond that, my knowledge stands on "thin ICE"
T2. Using det(90) - Rotating Sprites
I thought initially that using det(90) would be fairly simple to me, but as it turns out, it hasn't been. For some reason, ICE refuses to rotate my sprite (my sprite is a square 12x12). I pretty sure I followed the correct syntax as stated in PT_'s documentation, but I must have not. Please give me an example on how to rotate a sprite.