I started working on a quiz viewer a couple of days ago over Christmas break. It takes a specially formatted string and gleans from it questions, at least 1 and up to 4 answers, and a correct answer. It displays the question and the answers on the homescreen. If the user picks the correct answer, they move on to the next question, if it is incorrect, they can try again. The quizzes can be any number of questions.
Unfortunately, the editor only allows for the addition of questions right now, not the editing of previous ones. However, if you recall the string you can make edits there and then store it back into itself.
I still want to add these features:
-Editing of previous questions
-New line formatting so that questions and answers can span multiple lines
-A mode that doesn't show you if you are correct/incorrect until the very end
-Keeping track of how many are correct/incorrect
-Quiz title, author
I may think of porting it from the homescreen to the graph screen.
Unfortunately, the editor only allows for the addition of questions right now, not the editing of previous ones. However, if you recall the string you can make edits there and then store it back into itself.
I still want to add these features:
-Editing of previous questions
-New line formatting so that questions and answers can span multiple lines
-A mode that doesn't show you if you are correct/incorrect until the very end
-Keeping track of how many are correct/incorrect
-Quiz title, author
I may think of porting it from the homescreen to the graph screen.