This is great news PT_!
I think matrices will help a lot with games, because a lot of basic games use matrices to store back-end data.
I particularly like the floats, which closely resemble more advanced languages like Java (for those who don't know, in Java, for numeric data types, the largest one in an expression is used for the returned data type, and you can typecast variables). This will allow much more flexibility in the types of programs that make sense to code in ICE.
As for the strings, I'm not sure what the advantage of making strings pointers, because losing concatenation is quite a big concession. Would it be possible at all to concatenate strings if you change the way they work?
I'd like to see the addition of "constants" - variables that upon compiling, ICE would replace all instances of the variable with its previously stated integer value. This would help a lot because as I program I make variables for things like "bytes of data for each city" so that I can add or subtract more "bytes of data per city" whenever I want without going through the program and replacing the byte offset in every instance city data is referenced.
Okay, I can do that this week.
Hey, could it be possible to add routines that allow to get informations on a sprite by specifying its pointer.
Like getSpriteHeight(PTR) or getSpriteWidth(PTR)
Tengento wrote:
Hey, could it be possible to add routines that allow to get informations on a sprite by specifying its pointer.
Like getSpriteHeight(PTR) or getSpriteWidth(PTR)
That is not necessary, since you can do that very easily:
Sprite width = *{PTR} (assuming PTR points to the start of the sprite data)
Sprite height = *{PTR+1}
No need for such functions
I was wondering if it would be possible to run ASM from a pointer in ICE? (could you add it if it is not already possible?)
Something like this:
This would be really helpful for making programs that can be modded; if the compiled subroutines are in an appvar (see below for explanation on how), the user (a savvy user) would be able to very easily write partial programs in any language they like, as long as it translates to ASM.
How I put multiple ASM programs into a file:
And so on and so forth. Using this method removes the need for separator bytes, and so alllowing the use of all 256 possible bytes.
A method like this would be really helpful, as I'm sure you can probably see, in many different types of program. Could you R.S.V.P.?
Thanks PT_!
EDIT: This is already possible in ICE!
Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to add Get() and/or Send() functions to Ice. This would allow us to make incredible mutiplayer games.
Tengento wrote:
Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to add Get() and/or Send() functions to ICE
This would be a GREAT if there was not so much working against the idea. I believe that the work MateoConLechuga is doing with USB may lead to this feature in the future, but for right now, too much is undeveloped. Plus, PT_ has more features that are more pressing to add, like floats for example. If you really need to use USB in ICE, I would recommend either switching to all ASM or using this with the ICE Asm() token but PT_ would be able to tell you more about it than I can.
LAX18 wrote:
Tengento wrote:
Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to add Get() and/or Send() functions to ICE
This would be a GREAT if there was not so much working against the idea. I believe that the work MateoConLechuga is doing with USB may lead to this feature in the future, but for right now, too much is undeveloped. Plus, PT_ has more features that are more pressing to add, like floats for example. If you really need to use USB in ICE, I would recommend either switching to all ASM or using this with the ICE Asm() token but PT_ would be able to tell you more about it than I can.
No. Currently only jacobly and Mateo are working on USB-related things; we have no idea how well that goes, but sadly I don't have the knowledge/experience to be useful of any sort, so we just have to wait until some sort of library/driver is ready, and then I can hopefully add it to ICE as well.
If Str1="TEXT"
Alvajoy, This has already been addressed.
LAX18 on SAX wrote:
13:12:08 [LAX18] Alvajoy: string comparisons do not work in ICE
13:12:38 [LAX18] for ICE v.2.2 (official), use If Compare(STRING1, STRING2)
13:13:30 [LAX18] Where STRING1 is the string you are checking and STRING2 is what you are checking STRING1 for
Also worth mentioning, Compare returns 0 if the strings match if you are using an earlier, built version of ICE.
For the compiler, it'd be nice if it warned you if you had multiple Lables with the same name. I found out a bug I've been having for a few months now was caused because I had put a dupicate Lbl where I should have put a Goto.
Another suggestion if you're not already doing this, could you add support for KryptonIDE? Like when a program has an error found when compiling, when you press 'goto' it'll bring up KryEDIT rather than the standard editor. That'd be a really nice feature and it may help with the hooks bug ICE causes when you enter the editor (after pressing goto).
Thanks for all you've been doing, I'm really looking forward to the debugger! That should make our lives easier!
It would be nice if you could add an option to compile a program directly from the editor by pressing y= or something. Not sure if this is even possible, but I just thought that I would recommend it. Thanks
Is linking two CEs ever a possibility with ICE?
A USB library for C programs is currently in development. If and when that is finished, it will most likely be added to ICE soon afterwards.
Thank you commandblockguy! That news saved my future 2D Minecraft idea for the CE. And yes! Its under development!
the ability to scale tilemaps during rendering would be helpful, it would work like drawing scaled sprites works.
Lately, I got the GitHub repo version. and I found out that every subprogram has to have a [i] at the beginning. and when I goto the ICE complier it shows many programs.
is the way to make programs only with
Code: [i] NAME
show up in the compiler?
It would be great if Strings and Lists could be received in Ans.
Also, it would be EXTREMELY helpful if ICE programs could set the value in Ans instead of just reading it.
To add to the above post, I really wish decimals were added, at least for calculation reasons. I say this because maybe a faster calculator, ON A CALCULATOR! haha