- List of things TI does to upset Mateo
- 09 Aug 2017 01:12:09 am
- Last edited by MateoConLechuga on 10 Dec 2018 11:07:48 pm; edited 9 times in total
The list:
Today there's some sad news; TI has broken either by accident or on purpose support for mode 2 interrupts. This basically means that user programs can no longer use custom interrupt handling; which is super unfortunate. However, interrupts are still usable within z80 mode via im 1 if you wish to take the assembly route solution.
Affected Revisions: Revision I manufactuerd on 3/2017 and later.
Technical findings: (courtesy of jacobly)
Interrupts in Mode 2 perform exactly the same as Mode 0 interrupts.
What this means:
I will be pulling interrupt support from the toolchain and getting it released as soon as possible. In addition; Oiram will need to be modified to not use interrupts; which will be more pain than I care to deal with.
Lessons to be learned:
TI is both incompetent and dumb. Not only did they fail to fix any of the hundreds of actual security issues, they removed a crucial part of assembly programming. Whoever is behind the development team deserves the boot.
- Removal of support for interrupt mode 2 on hardware revisions >= I
Removal of OFFSCRPT/ONSCRPT support in OS 5.3
No support in any form for assembly programming, even though it is advertised
Hiding away of application signing keys for whatever pointless reason
Use of 2nd type byte in programs listed in the VAT
Removal of Asm84PCE in OS 5.3.1
Blocking of FreeOS through OS validation at boot
Blocking of Cesium from application list through Application Validation (1 minute 30 seconds!)
Today there's some sad news; TI has broken either by accident or on purpose support for mode 2 interrupts. This basically means that user programs can no longer use custom interrupt handling; which is super unfortunate. However, interrupts are still usable within z80 mode via im 1 if you wish to take the assembly route solution.
Affected Revisions: Revision I manufactuerd on 3/2017 and later.
Technical findings: (courtesy of jacobly)
Interrupts in Mode 2 perform exactly the same as Mode 0 interrupts.
What this means:
I will be pulling interrupt support from the toolchain and getting it released as soon as possible. In addition; Oiram will need to be modified to not use interrupts; which will be more pain than I care to deal with.
Lessons to be learned:
TI is both incompetent and dumb. Not only did they fail to fix any of the hundreds of actual security issues, they removed a crucial part of assembly programming. Whoever is behind the development team deserves the boot.