Soooo, i kinda accidentally deleted the ICE source for this game off of my calculator (***Pieman7373 kicks PHASM for having evil bugs and for messing up UndeleteCE)... some good news is that i had a back-up on SC (i probably would have died otherwise)... Some bad news is that it is farther behind than i thought it was... Another piece of good news is that i am pretty sure that the back-up is only behind in terms of how many rooms i have added in the game (when i lost the source, i was in the progress of adding room 22 out of 26 of the first town, and the back-up has only 6-ish out of 26...)
This is the updated to-do list:
To-do List:
*Make a way to draw the 16x16 sprites on-calc (luv ya CalcMeister)
*Devise a method for drawing each screen and the transitions
*Add opening menu with option to either continue game or start new game
*add the physical menu options (accessed using the function buttons)(they mostly do nothing as of yet)
*Implement saving (saving works, i broke loading)
*add the first town (20% done) <=== :'(
*Add the whole map (like 5% done)
*hardcode the boundaries for each screen (5% done)
*add menu options (accessed using the function buttons)(1 of 3 added)
*fix loading a save
*add player stats and items
*add enemy encounters and fighting
Hey, at least you had a back up!

Looking forward to it.
Switchblade wrote:
Hey, at least you had a back up!

Looking forward to it.
lol, thanks
If i didnt have a back-up, i would probably would've given up
At least you had a backup. You scared me there. I really want to see how this game turns out... especially because it's in ICE.
TheGeekyScientist wrote:
At least you had a backup. You scared me there. I really want to see how this game turns out... especially because it's in ICE.
Thanks! Hopefully i wont let you down!
I FOUND A MORE RECENT BACKUP!! Now my on-calc version is the same as the one in the most recent screenshot
(still only 12/26, but that's better than 7)
Some pretty sexy progress, if i do say so myself :3
To-do List:
*Make a way to draw the 16x16 sprites on-calc (luv ya CalcMeister)
*Devise a method for drawing each screen and the transitions
*Add opening menu with option to either continue game or start new game
*game wont try to load a save if it is empty
*Implement saving (DONE! loading works on-calc, but not in CEmu for some reason)
*Add Player stats (i capped the gold at 5 digits, just for you, Kerm :3 )
*add function menus
*make quitting the game be a menu option, not pressing [clear]
*add the first town (60% done)
*Add the whole map (like 5% done)
*hardcode the boundaries for each screen (5% done)
*finish the menu menu (F4)
*add encounters, 1 in 30 chance per movement step, they just dont do anything important yet
(encounter chance will go up and down depending on the section of the world you are in)
*add items
*add fighting
(BTW, the numbers show up fine, CEmu is just weird with the screenshots sometimes, also, you arent gonna be able to change your stats like that in the game, that is just for debugging

Looks amazing as usual. Just curious, is there an estimation of when the program will be finished and ready to be downloaded?
TheGeekyScientist wrote:
Looks amazing as usual. Just curious, is there an estimation of when the program will be finished and ready to be downloaded?
Because i have to hardcode all of the collisions, and manually type in the data for each map, quite a long time :p
Once i have all (or most) of the actual gameplay mechanics implemented (like fighting and leveling up and stuff) i will probably release a teaser beta version :3
This is super exciting, because I got some help from PT_, and he was like "Its super easy to figure out which list element you are standing on from just the coordinates" Then he told me how (it was so simple, i kick myself that i didnt think of it) and then i was like
Oh and i added lost of debug numbers on the screen (i'll label'em for you guys)
To-do List:
*Make a way to draw the 16x16 sprites on-calc (luv ya CalcMeister)
*Devise a method for drawing each screen and the transitions
*Add opening menu with option to either continue game or start new game
*game wont try to load a save if it is empty
*Implement saving
*Add Player stats (i capped the gold at 5 digits, just for you, Kerm :3 )
*add function menus
*make quitting the game be a menu option, not pressing [clear]
*Add REAL collision detection (so far, you cant walk on stone blocks or water, but it is easy to add on to)
*add the first town (60% done)
*Add the whole map (like 5% done)
*finish the menu menu (F4)
*add encounters, 1 in 30 chance per movement step (only actually encounter a real enemy in the first world tilemap so far)
*Finish the encounter screen [make options actually work (other than run)]
*add items
*add game mechanics (like leveling up, and the effect it has on your stats)
*add fighting
Blue slimes have a 3/5 chance of appearing, and red slimes have a 2/5 chance
Also, there is a 1/5 chance of successfully running from a slime
Also, just proof that saving does indeed work:
That sure is some exciting progress. But that "To Do List" seems pretty lengthy... Good job so far though.
WOW! This is amazing!
Keep up the good work!
So, now the size went from 21K to 10K or so?

Great job, and keep it going!
PT_ wrote:
So, now the size went from 21K to 10K or so?

Great job, and keep it going!
The source file is smaller, but i added a 112x80 sprite and like 3 more 16x16 sprites, so that more than makes up for it
I havent worked on this in a few days, but i also graduate in a few days, I will hopefully have more time to work on it :3
I am planning on adding fighting next
I havent worked on this much, the only thing i have done is add a saving indicator that lets you know that the game actually saved
I also added a cursor in the beginning instead of having to press a number
sorry that the gif is soooo unnecessarily long
This is looking great! I'm glad you solved the collision detection!
Switchblade wrote:
This is looking great! I'm glad you solved the collision detection!
Thanks! And me too 😂
I haven't worked on this in quite a while, but I am picking it up again!!
I am going to start working on actually having fighting now :3
Looking great! Keep it up
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