- C8SALT: A CHIP-8 emulator in TI-BASIC for the 83+/84+
- 24 Nov 2021 10:25:47 pm
- Last edited by Oxiti8 on 19 Sep 2023 06:43:02 pm; edited 4 times in total
C8SALT - A full blown CHIP-8 Emulator written in pure TI-BASIC for the TI-83+/TI-84+/TI-84+ CSE/TI-84+ CE
DOWNLOAD HERE: http://ceme.tech/DL2202
You know because Vinegar is the name of a CHIP-8 emu for the 84+ in ASM and Sea 8 Salt & Vinegar CHIPs
C(8)SALT is a successor to my obscure previous failed attempt at emulating CHIP-8 platform in TI-BASIC, SHACC-8. Unlike SHACC, C8SALT uses several memory compression techniques to actually fit in 24k of RAM, and uses a single list for storing 4096 bytes of RAM rather than several.
There's no keypad input support or rom importer yet, but it it does support several of the most important opcodes, including display. I wont bore you with the specifics of what's implemented and what's not, but I can say that it's still far from complete.
I don't have any plans to support SuperCHIP or XO-CHIPXO wouldn't even be possible
due to technical limitations, and even at the best level of optimization this isn't going to run at a playable speed due to how slow drawing pixel-by-pixel is in TI-BASIC.
All that aside, there is a Github for this project available if you want to try out this early version of C8SALT: https://github.com/NinjaWeedle/C8SALT

DOWNLOAD HERE: http://ceme.tech/DL2202
You know because Vinegar is the name of a CHIP-8 emu for the 84+ in ASM and Sea 8 Salt & Vinegar CHIPs
C(8)SALT is a successor to my obscure previous failed attempt at emulating CHIP-8 platform in TI-BASIC, SHACC-8. Unlike SHACC, C8SALT uses several memory compression techniques to actually fit in 24k of RAM, and uses a single list for storing 4096 bytes of RAM rather than several.

There's no keypad input support or rom importer yet, but it it does support several of the most important opcodes, including display. I wont bore you with the specifics of what's implemented and what's not, but I can say that it's still far from complete.
I don't have any plans to support SuperCHIP or XO-CHIPXO wouldn't even be possible
due to technical limitations, and even at the best level of optimization this isn't going to run at a playable speed due to how slow drawing pixel-by-pixel is in TI-BASIC.
All that aside, there is a Github for this project available if you want to try out this early version of C8SALT: https://github.com/NinjaWeedle/C8SALT