With a year hiatus Doctor Who came back on Christmas Day for the annual Christmas Special. This one was titled "The Return of Doctor Mysterio." In which we watch The Doctor, a companion and, a superhero save Earth from an alien takeover plot. Season 10 proper is due to release in Spring 2017.
I opted to avoid the Whoniverse topic for 2015-2016 since, outside of the special, we didn't have any Doctor Who episodes. With the Special so close to the release of Season 10, it made sense to just lump the special into Season 10s topic.
So, let's discuss!
I felt that this was a really good episode. The story was great even if it felt a bit cheesy and poorly executed. Which is a bit contradictory but there was a clear threat and rather than the typical "That's been the plan all along" Peter Capaldi Doctor we actually see him panic and make up new plans when things change. I've seen this Doctor as a very all-knowing being and a lot of times it's made the episodes and solutions seem unimportant. Like the Doctor was stringing along the enemies for an hour just for fun. This episode was not like that all.
I hope this continues throughout Season 10 and that some of the characters we see in this episode - both good and bad - persist into the season as well. Without leaving too much for spoilers so early, the bald guy was really an interesting addition and the corporation was a really interesting spin. I hope to see Missy align herself with them and more involvement from UNIT.
I opted to avoid the Whoniverse topic for 2015-2016 since, outside of the special, we didn't have any Doctor Who episodes. With the Special so close to the release of Season 10, it made sense to just lump the special into Season 10s topic.
So, let's discuss!
I felt that this was a really good episode. The story was great even if it felt a bit cheesy and poorly executed. Which is a bit contradictory but there was a clear threat and rather than the typical "That's been the plan all along" Peter Capaldi Doctor we actually see him panic and make up new plans when things change. I've seen this Doctor as a very all-knowing being and a lot of times it's made the episodes and solutions seem unimportant. Like the Doctor was stringing along the enemies for an hour just for fun. This episode was not like that all.
I hope this continues throughout Season 10 and that some of the characters we see in this episode - both good and bad - persist into the season as well. Without leaving too much for spoilers so early, the bald guy was really an interesting addition and the corporation was a really interesting spin. I hope to see Missy align herself with them and more involvement from UNIT.