- Contest #18: Winter Wonderland
From 18 Dec 2016 05:00:00 am to 15 Jan 2017 04:59:59 am (included) - 18 Dec 2016 03:01:34 pm
- Last edited by jonbush on 22 Jan 2017 01:15:57 pm; edited 5 times in total

During the previous Cemetech Contest, On Rails, we challenged contestants to make complete train-themed games for a graphing calculators. This contest generated a good amount of interest, and resulted in the production of at least four new calculator games. Cemetech members reviewed these games and decided that Unicorn’s entry “Switch Operator” deserved first place commendation, followed closely by Rico’s “RailMaze” and Kydapoot’s “Railroad Empire.”
For Winter Wonderland, you are challenged to create three programs over the course of four weeks. At the beginning of each week, a keyword will be posted in this thread indicating the theme of that week’s programs. Each program must fit into one of the categories listed below, provided that you have not already submitted a program in that category. Programs must be submitted within 7 days of the weekly keyword posting. You may only submit entries for three out of the four weeks.
If you would like to participate in Winter Wonderland please state your intent by posting in this thread. If you decide to participate, you will receive a Cemetech Private Message containing your “contestant key” used when submitting your entries.
For each submission, please put all necessary files and instructions inside a single zip file and upload it using the form at http://jonbush.net/contest-submission.
▪ Games
▪ Math/Science Utilities
▪ Graphics/Simulation
▪ Anything else
1. Each entry must be related in some way to the keyword for that week
2. Each program from a particular contestant must fall into a category distinct from the respective categories of all other programs submitted by that contestant.
3. Entries must be submitted within 7 days (168 hours) of the weekly keyword posting
4. If multiple entries are submitted during the same week, only the latest will be considered
5. Judging will be performed by a team picked from among the Cemetech administrators and members; all judges are disqualified from entering the contest
6. Entries may be made for any platform and in any programming language. If the judges do not have access to your platform of choice, you must provide a video demonstration.
7. Only the first three distinct weekly entries from a contestant will be considered by the judges
8. Fine print rules can be found here. Please note that members from France are now eligible to receive prizes.
▪ Please maintain a contest thread documenting the progress of your entries.
▪ You may receive help from other Cemetech members, provided that communication is done publicly through the forum or through SAX/IRC.
The first and second place winners will receive Steam gift cards in the amounts of $50 and $20 respectively.