Here's what a lot of folks have been wanting, access to The End. I'll admit that this is a long time coming and things haven't gone as planned in terms of progression. We have numerous ideas for the server but we are not well prepared when it comes to implementing them. Our collective idea was that we'd have a server event leading into The End, probably a scavenger hunt. Our second reason for the delay was that we weren't keen on letting Elytras be found in the wild and should be relegated for hard earned prizes so we explored ideas in relation to removing them automatically from the world. As time went on we repeatedly explored how to approach this event.
There isn't any single thing that led us, or rather myself, to just flat out open The End. This is the first time I've tried to actively moderate the server from the start. With the 1.8 server I became active towards the end where users were already settled and systems established. Starting fresh on 1.9 showed that we need to be better plan server events in advance. Hopefully when we start the server fresh again we are all better prepared from this experience.
On to the show!
July 16th is the tentative date for our End Event. This is not set in stone but it's what we're aiming for. If it happens a week early, that's cool. It will not happen next week or July 4th weekend so you should spend the following weeks practicing combat skills, enchanting armor and weapons, talk with your fellow players about tactics for slaying the dragon. Is someone going to bait? Is a team going to go and destroy the end crystals then attack from above?
You will need to be coordinated and strong. Endermen are furious beasts and found in vast numbers within The End. Devise tactics, form teams with set goals. Use this topic or create another topic if you wish to talk about it outside of Minecraft.
Upon slaying the dragon, the Egg will be placed in Spawn and the players will be immortalized as statues around it. Once the dragon is slain a portal will open to the rest of The End where Chorus Plants and End Cities may be found. I strongly recommend you bring tons of Ender Pearls to teleport you across the gaps that span the void. Feel free to build bridges and pathways for safer travels.
I hope to see you guys for this event!
If you have questions feel free to ask!
Here's what a lot of folks have been wanting, access to The End. I'll admit that this is a long time coming and things haven't gone as planned in terms of progression. We have numerous ideas for the server but we are not well prepared when it comes to implementing them. Our collective idea was that we'd have a server event leading into The End, probably a scavenger hunt. Our second reason for the delay was that we weren't keen on letting Elytras be found in the wild and should be relegated for hard earned prizes so we explored ideas in relation to removing them automatically from the world. As time went on we repeatedly explored how to approach this event.
There isn't any single thing that led us, or rather myself, to just flat out open The End. This is the first time I've tried to actively moderate the server from the start. With the 1.8 server I became active towards the end where users were already settled and systems established. Starting fresh on 1.9 showed that we need to be better plan server events in advance. Hopefully when we start the server fresh again we are all better prepared from this experience.
On to the show!
July 16th is the tentative date for our End Event. This is not set in stone but it's what we're aiming for. If it happens a week early, that's cool. It will not happen next week or July 4th weekend so you should spend the following weeks practicing combat skills, enchanting armor and weapons, talk with your fellow players about tactics for slaying the dragon. Is someone going to bait? Is a team going to go and destroy the end crystals then attack from above?
You will need to be coordinated and strong. Endermen are furious beasts and found in vast numbers within The End. Devise tactics, form teams with set goals. Use this topic or create another topic if you wish to talk about it outside of Minecraft.
Upon slaying the dragon, the Egg will be placed in Spawn and the players will be immortalized as statues around it. Once the dragon is slain a portal will open to the rest of The End where Chorus Plants and End Cities may be found. I strongly recommend you bring tons of Ender Pearls to teleport you across the gaps that span the void. Feel free to build bridges and pathways for safer travels.
I hope to see you guys for this event!
If you have questions feel free to ask!