Jincs wrote:
Hey Kerm, how goes life?
This is JincS from Rivereye/Calc Haven. I had a BIG question to ask you:
As if you haven't noticed already, the calc programming community seems to be slowing down at a very rapid rate. Now, I am not a calc programmer, but I am very interested in the community. So I have devised a scheme to bring the community back to it's former glory, by creating a programming contest.
Before I go on, let me tell you (before you get bored and stop reading this), that there is a HUGE incentive to enter the contest. For the grand prize, I have been able to pull a few strings, and I am going to be able to send ANY software of the winner's choice to them, absolutely free. AND I MEAN *ANY*. Through a few people I know in the business, I have access to software that most small businesses can't even dream of owning.
As of now, I am trying to spread word of this contest to as many ears as I can before it starts on June 30. I want to get as many people as possible to enter, to get some new calc games circulating.
Anyway, my BIG question was: would it be OK if I (well, you) could advertise this contest in your forums under the main Site Thread (like under Site News/Announcements, something like that)? I would really appreciate it if you could try to get as many people as possible involved in this little escapade of mine.
Since I am not all that active of a member here, could you please email me your answer too? I would greatly appreciate it->vbslong@gmail.com
I really look forward to your business!
PS: if you would like to read the actual contest details, you can click either of these links (they're both the same info, just different sites):
Rivereye Studios:
Calc Haven:
This is JincS from Rivereye/Calc Haven. I had a BIG question to ask you:
As if you haven't noticed already, the calc programming community seems to be slowing down at a very rapid rate. Now, I am not a calc programmer, but I am very interested in the community. So I have devised a scheme to bring the community back to it's former glory, by creating a programming contest.
Before I go on, let me tell you (before you get bored and stop reading this), that there is a HUGE incentive to enter the contest. For the grand prize, I have been able to pull a few strings, and I am going to be able to send ANY software of the winner's choice to them, absolutely free. AND I MEAN *ANY*. Through a few people I know in the business, I have access to software that most small businesses can't even dream of owning.
As of now, I am trying to spread word of this contest to as many ears as I can before it starts on June 30. I want to get as many people as possible to enter, to get some new calc games circulating.
Anyway, my BIG question was: would it be OK if I (well, you) could advertise this contest in your forums under the main Site Thread (like under Site News/Announcements, something like that)? I would really appreciate it if you could try to get as many people as possible involved in this little escapade of mine.
Since I am not all that active of a member here, could you please email me your answer too? I would greatly appreciate it->vbslong@gmail.com
I really look forward to your business!
PS: if you would like to read the actual contest details, you can click either of these links (they're both the same info, just different sites):
Rivereye Studios:
Calc Haven:
Rivereye.net wrote:
Hello everybody, and welcome to the FIRST Calc Haven/Rivereye Studios Programming Contest! Are you wondering what the topic is? I bet you are! Ok, here's the scoop:
Contest Name: Conflict: Calc Edition (or PC, whatever)
Platforms/languages allowed: Any (PC included)
Contest Description: This game is based off of a fairly new online game called Conflict Online (http://conflict.jwjkp.com). Some of you may have played it, but for those of you who haven't, it is a turn-based strategy game in which you do anything you can to make money and earn glory/rank, including the following (among others):
Go on adventures in the forest
Mine for money
Steal From people
Rob banks
Buy/Sell/Destroy Factories
Buy/Sell Factory guards
Buy/Sell Assasins to kill guards
Spy on other players
In the game, there are five "classes" of characters:
Noob (Level 1-3)
Thief (Level 4-10)
Robber (Level 11-24)
Ninja (Level 25-50)
Shadow Knight (Level 51+)
Every player starts out as a lvl. 1 Noob with 10 turns and $100. After every hour (you can shorten the time length in your game), the player gains another turn. The turns themselves are very important to the game: everything costs a certain amount of turns.
Yes, the prize. I remember that from the last contest, the prize wasn't that big of an incentive to compete. So, for this contest, the winner will get A SINGLE PIECE OF SOFTWARE OF THEIR CHOICE! Yes, you heard it! I will personally send you any software that you choose, whether it be something as small as my *coughcrappysneeze* WYSIWYG editor, to something as powerful as Maya 6 for 3D animations, YOU WILL WIN IT (and it won't cost you a dime)! The winner will get to choose from a list of software that I will PM him/her after the contest has ended.
So, are you motivated yet?
I think that's enough for details. If you want more, visit http://conflict.jwjkp.com, create an account, and start poking around.
The Contest will begin in approximately two (2) weeks on June 30, 2006, and will end July 31, 2006. That gives you two weeks to ask questions and prepare. If you are planning on competing in this contest, please let me know.
Also, I am looking for three impartial judges for the calculator entries. I hate emulators. Judges MAY enter the contest, but they MAY NOT judge their own entry. I will have a judging form created soon for all of the judges, which will be filled out and emailed to me for final evaluation before a winner is announced.
The Judges (As of Now):
1. Rivereye
2. Myself (JincS)
Contest Name: Conflict: Calc Edition (or PC, whatever)
Platforms/languages allowed: Any (PC included)
Contest Description: This game is based off of a fairly new online game called Conflict Online (http://conflict.jwjkp.com). Some of you may have played it, but for those of you who haven't, it is a turn-based strategy game in which you do anything you can to make money and earn glory/rank, including the following (among others):
Go on adventures in the forest
Mine for money
Steal From people
Rob banks
Buy/Sell/Destroy Factories
Buy/Sell Factory guards
Buy/Sell Assasins to kill guards
Spy on other players
In the game, there are five "classes" of characters:
Noob (Level 1-3)
Thief (Level 4-10)
Robber (Level 11-24)
Ninja (Level 25-50)
Shadow Knight (Level 51+)
Every player starts out as a lvl. 1 Noob with 10 turns and $100. After every hour (you can shorten the time length in your game), the player gains another turn. The turns themselves are very important to the game: everything costs a certain amount of turns.
Yes, the prize. I remember that from the last contest, the prize wasn't that big of an incentive to compete. So, for this contest, the winner will get A SINGLE PIECE OF SOFTWARE OF THEIR CHOICE! Yes, you heard it! I will personally send you any software that you choose, whether it be something as small as my *coughcrappysneeze* WYSIWYG editor, to something as powerful as Maya 6 for 3D animations, YOU WILL WIN IT (and it won't cost you a dime)! The winner will get to choose from a list of software that I will PM him/her after the contest has ended.
So, are you motivated yet?
I think that's enough for details. If you want more, visit http://conflict.jwjkp.com, create an account, and start poking around.
The Contest will begin in approximately two (2) weeks on June 30, 2006, and will end July 31, 2006. That gives you two weeks to ask questions and prepare. If you are planning on competing in this contest, please let me know.
Also, I am looking for three impartial judges for the calculator entries. I hate emulators. Judges MAY enter the contest, but they MAY NOT judge their own entry. I will have a judging form created soon for all of the judges, which will be filled out and emailed to me for final evaluation before a winner is announced.
The Judges (As of Now):
1. Rivereye
2. Myself (JincS)