- [ENDED] Code Golf - The Reboot #5
- 29 Jun 2015 03:04:45 pm
- Last edited by JWinslow23 on 05 Jul 2015 12:39:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
Everybody back off, I'm taking back this contest
Hello, Omnimaga/CodeWalrus/Cemetech/my girlfriend/whoever is seeing this right now, and welcome to the fifth installment of...
Code Golf: The Reboot
As you can see, I'm neither @pimathbrainiac NOR @c4ooo , NOT EVEN @Juju , but I am the original @JWinslow23, the one who came up with this silly idea in the first place almost a year ago. However, don't expect me to host next time, or basically for the next few competitions. How it works is, there's this cycle of hosts that will successively host this competition, starting with pimath. Somewhere in that loop, there's yours-truly, with a challenge on deck to give you. This is that.
Don't know what code golf is? Check out this contest thread OR this really old contest thread for an explanation. Don't know what code is? Then you will not understand this website in general
Without further ado...
Challenge 5
You, a person with a lisp, go to your car, and unlock it with the keys...but there's one problem...you don't have your keys with you.
"Oh no...I lotht my keith! Where'th my car keith?" you exclaim in nervousness. You know that you have more than one pair, but you can't for the life of you find any of them.
Suddenly, you remember...each of your keys had a number on it 10 or above, each of which you call a Keys Number, or "Keith Number". Now, these numbers have a special property:
For a number N with D digits, if you arranged the digits to make a Fibonacci-like sequence where the digits of N are the first few terms, and each number is the sum of the D preceding digits, it would have N somewhere in the sequence.
14 is a Keith Number:
197 is a Keith Number:
1337 is NOT a Keith Number:
Your mission: Help yourthelf find your keith!
Make a program that, given an integer input 10 or above, will tell you whether or not it is a Keith number.
Any output is permitted, but the output must be different for a truthy and falsy result, and the two different outputs must be specified to me so I know the difference. Finally, if the size of the program is exactly 1337 bytes...then that'd be kinda cool...
All non-calc languages will be scored with this counter.
Assembly and compiled Axe programs will be scored on binary size (minus the header), and TI-BASIC will be scored on on-calc source size (again, minus the header).
PM me over on Omnimaga, Cemetech, or CodeWalrus, or tell my girlfriend and have her dictate the code to me. (If you take the latter option, I will give your code a -90% point bonus. I'm serious.)
Good luck! Remember, don't steal code from others; I want everyone to not fib and not cheat.
EDIT: THE CONTEST IS OVER! Head over to Codewalrus or Omnimaga for a nicely formatted table of the winners.
Hello, Omnimaga/CodeWalrus/Cemetech/my girlfriend/whoever is seeing this right now, and welcome to the fifth installment of...
Code Golf: The Reboot
As you can see, I'm neither @pimathbrainiac NOR @c4ooo , NOT EVEN @Juju , but I am the original @JWinslow23, the one who came up with this silly idea in the first place almost a year ago. However, don't expect me to host next time, or basically for the next few competitions. How it works is, there's this cycle of hosts that will successively host this competition, starting with pimath. Somewhere in that loop, there's yours-truly, with a challenge on deck to give you. This is that.
Don't know what code golf is? Check out this contest thread OR this really old contest thread for an explanation. Don't know what code is? Then you will not understand this website in general
Without further ado...
Challenge 5
You, a person with a lisp, go to your car, and unlock it with the keys...but there's one problem...you don't have your keys with you.
"Oh no...I lotht my keith! Where'th my car keith?" you exclaim in nervousness. You know that you have more than one pair, but you can't for the life of you find any of them.
Suddenly, you remember...each of your keys had a number on it 10 or above, each of which you call a Keys Number, or "Keith Number". Now, these numbers have a special property:
For a number N with D digits, if you arranged the digits to make a Fibonacci-like sequence where the digits of N are the first few terms, and each number is the sum of the D preceding digits, it would have N somewhere in the sequence.
14 is a Keith Number:
N = 14
D = 2
1 + 4 = 5
4 + 5 = 9
5 + 9 = 14
N = 197
D = 3
1 + 9 + 7 = 17
9 + 7 + 17 = 33
7 + 17 + 33 = 57
17 + 33 + 57 = 107
33 + 57 + 107 = 197
N = 1337
D = 4
1 + 3 + 3 + 7 = 14
3 + 3 + 7 + 14 = 27
3 + 7 + 14 + 27 = 51
7 + 14 + 27 + 51 = 99
14 + 27 + 51 + 99 = 191
27 + 51 + 99 + 191 = 368
51 + 99 + 191 + 368 = 709
99 + 191 + 368 + 709 = 1367
Make a program that, given an integer input 10 or above, will tell you whether or not it is a Keith number.
Any output is permitted, but the output must be different for a truthy and falsy result, and the two different outputs must be specified to me so I know the difference. Finally, if the size of the program is exactly 1337 bytes...then that'd be kinda cool...
All non-calc languages will be scored with this counter.
Assembly and compiled Axe programs will be scored on binary size (minus the header), and TI-BASIC will be scored on on-calc source size (again, minus the header).
PM me over on Omnimaga, Cemetech, or CodeWalrus, or tell my girlfriend and have her dictate the code to me. (If you take the latter option, I will give your code a -90% point bonus. I'm serious.)
Good luck! Remember, don't steal code from others; I want everyone to not fib and not cheat.
EDIT: THE CONTEST IS OVER! Head over to Codewalrus or Omnimaga for a nicely formatted table of the winners.