Cont_rant("Acid2 Test", "@Kerm | Jpez");
Acid2 doesn't test super advanced, futuristic stuff. In fact, it only requires HTML4, CSS1, PNG, and dataURL compliance - hardly too much to ask for. Margins, PNGs, the object tag (part of HTML spec), and css-parsing are all covered in the Acid2 test. Look through what it tests ( ) and you will see that it isn't obscure items that it tests. It is common sense things that would make web pages much easier to design and layout (especially since it tests absolute, relative, and fixed positioning
You both have websites. Tell me how testing margins, positioning, and generated content is "too rigourous" or is an "obscure rendering method"?
Also, the tests ARE split up. Each "line" of the smiley face concerns a different, distiguishable part of the tests (they do test a couple things simultaneously, but that still narrows it down considerably). You would, of course, know this if you actually read how the test works rather than assuming you knew how it worked.