- [Prizm OS status bar time display] G-PLUS shell-like addin
- 12 Jun 2016 12:19:21 pm
- Last edited by amazonka on 18 Jun 2016 05:33:03 am; edited 1 time in total
Based on some feedback from my G-CLOCK addin I decided to release BETA shell-like version of G-PLUS add-in together with an experimental version of G-SHOCK add-in retaining most features of the previous release but capable of adding time display not only to MAIN MENU status bar but also to the status bar of almost all built in apps (I excluded eAct and Memory apps on purpose, i.e. they will launch but without the time display, also navigating with up/down or right/left buttons from MAIN MENU will remove time display).

Having this new G-CLOCK on its own will work for most circumstances but Stats and Graphs sometimes have to be stripped of time display, depending on which was launched first basically, and for Stats specifically depending on whether RunMat was launched before, etc…

Combining both G-PLUS and the new G-CLOCK add-ins enclosed in this archive is designed to eliminate the above problem. Alternatively running just G-PLUS without new G-CLOCK launches RunMat with time displayed in its status bar.
If you wish to choose another built in app (besides eAct or Memory) to be launched with time in its status bar instead you will need to run SETUP in my password protection add-in Lock first by up/down selection as per https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11033 please (or ask there if you need clearer instructions or to use more features like power options etc).
For more G-CLOCK details (or last non-Beta release of it) please see https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=249007 and I’m looking forward to your feedback as always and will post the link to archive once it is accepted.

Having this new G-CLOCK on its own will work for most circumstances but Stats and Graphs sometimes have to be stripped of time display, depending on which was launched first basically, and for Stats specifically depending on whether RunMat was launched before, etc…

Combining both G-PLUS and the new G-CLOCK add-ins enclosed in this archive is designed to eliminate the above problem. Alternatively running just G-PLUS without new G-CLOCK launches RunMat with time displayed in its status bar.
If you wish to choose another built in app (besides eAct or Memory) to be launched with time in its status bar instead you will need to run SETUP in my password protection add-in Lock first by up/down selection as per https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11033 please (or ask there if you need clearer instructions or to use more features like power options etc).
For more G-CLOCK details (or last non-Beta release of it) please see https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=249007 and I’m looking forward to your feedback as always and will post the link to archive once it is accepted.