- [TI-84+CSE] Zombie Apocalypse Part II
- 07 Dec 2014 02:07:39 pm
- Last edited by KermMartian on 14 Jan 2015 03:55:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Edit: This activity has been completed. See ยป STEM Behind Hollywood: Zombie Apocalypse Part 2 (TI-84+CSE) to download the finished activity.
I've been gradually working my way through the five existing STEM Behind Hollywood activities for the TI-Nspire from TI Education, porting them to the trusty TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition platform. I started with Earth Impact!, which was tested by TI Education president Peter Balyta himself, then created Zombie Apocalypse Part I. The obvious follow-up is Zombie Apocalypse Part II, an even more in-depth activity that teaches students pH, anatomy, more immunology and epidemiology, and is quite fun to boot. Unfortunately for me, it's an extremely in-depth activity, with 33 pages of text, two types of simulations, and three image pages.
So far, I have transcribed and delineated all 33 pages of text, although they still need to be proofread. One of the simulation is exactly the Game of Life-like simulation from the first Zombie Apocalypse activity with a few labels changed and red turned to turquoise, so re-using my assembly program from Part I was easy. The second simulation, in which students perform a titration, is quite complicated and remains the largest single part of this program that I have not yet completed. In addition, I will of course have to re-write the Student Guide and Teacher Notes documents that are distributed along with this activity.
I'm excited to bring this activity to teachers and students who use the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition calculators in their classroom, and as always, I'll be keeping this topic updated while I develop this new activity.
I've been gradually working my way through the five existing STEM Behind Hollywood activities for the TI-Nspire from TI Education, porting them to the trusty TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition platform. I started with Earth Impact!, which was tested by TI Education president Peter Balyta himself, then created Zombie Apocalypse Part I. The obvious follow-up is Zombie Apocalypse Part II, an even more in-depth activity that teaches students pH, anatomy, more immunology and epidemiology, and is quite fun to boot. Unfortunately for me, it's an extremely in-depth activity, with 33 pages of text, two types of simulations, and three image pages.
So far, I have transcribed and delineated all 33 pages of text, although they still need to be proofread. One of the simulation is exactly the Game of Life-like simulation from the first Zombie Apocalypse activity with a few labels changed and red turned to turquoise, so re-using my assembly program from Part I was easy. The second simulation, in which students perform a titration, is quite complicated and remains the largest single part of this program that I have not yet completed. In addition, I will of course have to re-write the Student Guide and Teacher Notes documents that are distributed along with this activity.
I'm excited to bring this activity to teachers and students who use the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition calculators in their classroom, and as always, I'll be keeping this topic updated while I develop this new activity.