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Well, better get going!

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KermMartian wrote:

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alex10819 wrote:
KermMartian wrote:

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I violated no laws. Just pissed off the admin. Nowhere is that a breach of the TOS Wink
I disagree. Swearing in SAX, posting images that promote religious hatred, intentionally attempting to break the forums. Oh, and your alternate accounts, Paradiso and thejesuschristfoundation.

You've had quite the week, now calm down.
alex10819 wrote:
I disagree. Swearing in SAX, posting images that promote religious hatred, intentionally attempting to break the forums. Oh, and your alternate accounts, Paradiso and thejesuschristfoundation.

You've had quite the week, now calm down.

Laughing Only the first one is true; the rest are all your misdoings and I and the other staff have evidence which proves so (btw how did you dodge the banhammer?)
Kerm, you should change the TOS to this (its much simpler):

TOS wrote:
Kerm Martian, hereafter known as "The Admin", wields the banhammer. So do what The Admin says, or you'll get hit. Any questions?
Apparently you're all overlooking the ever-important phrase:

KermMartian wrote:

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Kllrnohj wrote:
Kerm, you should change the TOS to this (its much simpler):

TOS wrote:
Kerm Martian, hereafter known as "The Admin", wields the banhammer. So do what The Admin says, or you'll get hit. Any questions?

Sure is more accurate.
btw, since you people seem to have lost SAX, here is the current log as AdminSAX shows it:

02:27:07 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: it's cleared for me as well
02:27:03 (C): Kllrnohj: buggy sax is buggy
02:26:53 (C): Kllrnohj: SAX cleared for me
02:26:52 (C): ***Ultimate Dev'r added a post in [TOS]
02:26:48 (C): KermMartian: 2. It explicitly says that users can be banned without warning, what's the confusion?
02:26:26 (C): KermMartian: 1. SAX is not cleared
02:26:16 (C): KermMartian: I don't understand
02:26:08 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: and who cleared sax?
02:26:03 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: that s also not in the TOS
02:26:00 (C): ***KermMartian added a post in [TOS]
02:25:47 (C): alex10819: Stop complaining or you're going to get banned
02:25:47 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: and thus it needs to be changed
02:25:42 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: this is not stated in the TOS
02:25:39 (C): alex10819: Here's your warning
02:25:32 (C): alex10819: Dude
02:25:27 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: or even a warning for that matter
02:25:26 (C): alex10819: Yes.
02:25:21 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: he harrased me by not giving me a justification for a ban
02:25:09 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: no
02:24:57 (C): alex10819: you're harassing the admin
02:24:53 (C): alex10819: No, you're not contacting the admin
02:24:16 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: which is what I'm doing
02:24:12 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: which is to contact the admin
02:24:04 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: It says nothing about banning users, just what to do if you get banned
02:21:24 (C): ***Kllrnohj added a post in [TOS]
02:21:21 (C): alex10819:
02:20:47 (C): alex10819: err, let me dig you up a link
02:20:36 (C): alex10819: Under "What powers does the Admin have?"
02:20:28 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: what FAQ?
02:20:24 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: but nowhere is there a clause for bans
02:20:19 (C): alex10819: That's actually in the FAQ
02:20:11 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: you can edit, close, lock, whatever topics and posts
02:19:43 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: no where does it say you can just tempban without cause
02:19:39 (C): KermMartian: but even if for some reason you pull technicalities, the TOS still gives me carte blanche to make my own decision in whether you were or were not being appropriate
02:19:33 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: that's disputed
02:19:12 (C): KermMartian: I was perfectly within my TOS rights to tempban you
02:18:38 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: I'm questioning the basis for such actions
02:18:29 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: and threat for site ban
02:18:26 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: no; just protesting my sax ban
02:18:03 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: so you do admit to acting solely as you see fit, not necesarily abiding by the tos?
02:17:59 (C): Kllrnohj: UD did you go and get yourself banned again?
02:17:47 (C): KermMartian: and if you read the TOS
02:17:33 (C): KermMartian: nevertheless, my word is law in this situation
02:17:20 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: other than you are the admin and can do as you please
02:17:04 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: so you have no grounds for banning me
02:16:58 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: but it was not explicitly defined as against the TOS
02:16:39 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: absolutely
02:16:37 (C): KermMartian: so don't try to get lawyerly on me
02:16:27 (C): KermMartian: If you're trying to get technical with phrasing you were clearly doing something questionable and are aware of it
02:16:27 (C): ***Kllrnohj has entered the room.
02:16:27 (C): ***Kllrnohj has logged in from w.x.y.z ( *snip* )
02:16:07 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: that section needs to be re-written
02:15:57 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: I understand english; do you?
02:15:49 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: no, the first two parts of the sentence are linked to the third part
02:15:39 (C): alex10819: Yeah, you got banned... how is arguing about ti going to help?
02:15:35 (C): KermMartian: "or sny other material that violates any applicable laws"
02:15:23 (C): alex10819: What are you trying to get out of this, UD?
02:15:16 (C): KermMartian: the comma clause is breaking up what would otherwise be
02:15:07 (C): KermMartian: simple English
02:14:50 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: it's ambiguous at best
02:14:45 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: no it's not
02:14:42 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: I violated no laws
02:14:38 (C): alex10819: That's a separate clause
02:14:34 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: that may violate any applicable laws.
02:14:33 (C): KermMartian: easy as that
02:14:28 (C): KermMartian: I banned you
02:14:27 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: read the last part of that sentence
02:14:07 (C): KermMartian: you posted sexually-oriented material in SAX
02:14:02 (C): ***Ultimate Dev'r added a post in [TOS]
02:13:59 (C): KermMartian: "ou agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material"
02:12:28 (C): ***alex10819 added a post in [TOS]
02:11:32 (C): ***Ultimate Dev'r edited a post in [TOS]
02:10:46 (C): ***Ultimate Dev'r added a post in [TOS]
02:10:23 (C): comicIDIOT: I have an early morning anways Neutral
02:10:13 (C): comicIDIOT: I'm done here for the night.
02:09:45 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: and either kerm isn't taking this seriously or he doesn't care
02:08:43 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: and following his own rules
02:08:35 (C): alex10819: It kinda is the point.
02:08:35 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: It goes to the whole fairness thing
02:08:24 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: well, technically he can and he did, but that's not the point
02:08:10 (C): Ultimate Dev'r: he can't just ban users without saying why they're banned
***Kllrnohj has logged in from w.x.y.z ( *snip* )

Be careful Kerm, you just gave dangerous information. Now we can all go and pirate Kllrnohj's PC...
(Just kidding)
ZagorNBK wrote:
Be careful Kerm, you just gave dangerous information. Now we can all go and pirate Kllrnohj's PC...
(Just kidding)

How do you plan on pirating my computer? Confused

Doesn't even make any sense...
Kllrnohj wrote:
ZagorNBK wrote:
Be careful Kerm, you just gave dangerous information. Now we can all go and pirate Kllrnohj's PC...
(Just kidding)

How do you plan on pirating my computer? Confused

Doesn't even make any sense...
But nevertheless you *snip*ed the numerical IP address. Smile You must have been concerned about people making illegal copies of your PC after all!
KermMartian wrote:
But nevertheless you *snip*ed the numerical IP address. Smile You must have been concerned about people making illegal copies of your PC after all!

No, but I am actually concerned about script kiddies and DDoS attacks. I'm at home right now on break, and my parents don't quite have the same network I do back at school Wink
because there are so many of those on Cemetech Wink also, if, for some reason your home network was DDoSed, you could just unplug the cable modem, wait 30 seconds, and then plug back in and get a new IP address Wink
elfprince13 wrote:
because there are so many of those on Cemetech Wink also, if, for some reason your home network was DDoSed, you could just unplug the cable modem, wait 30 seconds, and then plug back in and get a new IP address Wink

Fair enough.

Then again, people like dshiznit do show up here Wink
That's fair, although you could always just reboot your modem and voila, new block-assigned IP. Anyway, back ontopic, did anyone have anything to say about the TOS?

Edit: Aaaaand elfprince13 beat me to it because I left that draft on my screen for an hour.
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