One last suggestion though.
Change your DCS header to say
and use a 16X16 icon.
Change your DCS header to say
and use a 16X16 icon.
:" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.?!→Str1
:If not(∟LHS(1
:StorePic 1
:Lbl C
:DelVar SDelVar DRecallPic 1
:Text({-}1,8,6,"LIGHTNING v2.5
:Text(17,25,"BY THESTORM
:Text({-}1,27,6,"1- PLAY
:Text({-}1,35,6,"2- WATCH
:Text({-}1,43,6,"3- SCORES
:Text({-}1,51,6,"4- EXIT
:DelVar {L1}
:Lbl Z
:Repeat K
:If K=92
:Goto 1
:If K=93
:Goto 2
:If K=94
:Goto 4
:If K=82 or K=45 or K=22
:Goto 3
:Goto Z
:Lbl 4
:RecallPic 1
:Text({-}1,8,10,"LIGHTNIN v2.4
:Text({-}1,16,16,"HIGH SCORES
:" →Str2
:If B=0
:Text({-}1,28,4,Str2," ",∟LHS(1
:" →Str3
:If B=0
:Text({-}1,38,4,Str3," ",∟LHS(12
:" →Str4
:If B=0
:Text({-}1,48,4,Str4," ",∟LHS(23
:DelVar Str2DelVar Str3DelVar Str4Goto C
:Lbl 1
:Lbl 2
:DelVar L
:RecallPic 1
:Repeat getKey=45
:G+EA(G+EA>0 and G+EA<95→W
:If (S>6)(D=1 or not(D)(O=2
:F+EB(F+EB>0 and F+EB<95→U
:If D
:If C=26 or C=24 or V≥60
:P+2((C=26 and P<91)-(C=24 and P>3→P
:If (V≤13 and (abs(P-G)≤5 or (S>6)(abs(P-F)≤5)))
:Goto A
:Lbl A
:If (S>6)(D=1 or not(D)(O=2
:StorePic 2:ClrDraw:RecallPic 2
:If S>5 or not(D
:If L
:Goto G
:ClrDraw:RecallPic 1
:If not(D
:Goto C
:Lbl G
:If S>∟LHS(23
:Disp ""," High Score"," Enter Name
:Repeat 11>length(Str2
:Input " ",Str2
:If 10<length(Str2
:Output(2,4," To Long
:DelVar {L1}For(A,1,length(Str2
:If S>{L2}(1
:If S>{L3}(1
:If S>∟LHS(23
:DelVar {L1}DelVar {L2}DelVar {L3}Goto 4
:Text(15,24," Ha Ha You Lose!
:Text(23,25," Your Score= ",S
:Goto C
:Lbl 3
:DelVar Pic1DelVar Pic2DelVar Str1
:If not(∟LHS(1
:StoreGDB 1
:StorePic 1
:Lbl C
:DelVar SDelVar DRecallPic 1
:Text({-}1,8,6,"LIGHTNING v2.5
:Text(17,25,"BY THESTORM
:Text({-}1,27,6,"1- PLAY
:Text({-}1,35,6,"2- WATCH
:Text({-}1,43,6,"3- SCORES
:Text({-}1,51,6,"4- EXIT
:DelVar {L1}
:Lbl Z
:Repeat Ans
:If K=92
:Goto 1
:If K=93
:Goto 2
:If K=94
:Goto 4
:If K=82 or K=45 or K=22
:Goto 3
:Goto Z
:Lbl 4
:RecallPic 1
:Text({-}1,8,10,"LIGHTNIN v2.5
:Text({-}1,16,16,"HIGH SCORES
:" →Str2
:If B=0
:Text({-}1,28,4,Str2," ",∟LHS(1
:" →Str3
:If B=0
:Text({-}1,38,4,Str3," ",∟LHS(12
:" →Str4
:If B=0
:Text({-}1,48,4,Str4," ",∟LHS(23
:DelVar Str2DelVar Str3DelVar Str4Goto C
:Lbl 1
:Lbl 2
:DelVar L
:Repeat getKey=45
:RecallPic 1
:G+EA(G+EA>0 and G+EA<95→W
:If (S>6)D or not(D)(O=2
:F+EB(F+EB>0 and F+EB<95→U
:If D
:If K=26 or K=24 or V≥60
:P+2(K=26 and P<91)-(K=24 and P>3→P
:If V≤13 and (abs(P-G)≤5 or (S>6 and abs(P-F)≤5
:Goto A
:Lbl A
:If (S>6)D or not(D)(O=2
:If (6>S)D or not(D)(O=2
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:If L
:Goto 5
:Lbl 5
:If S>∟LHS(23
:Disp ""," High Score"," Enter Name
:Repeat 11>length(Str2
:Input " ",Str2
:If 10<length(Str2
:Output(2,4," To Long
:If S>{L2}(1
:If S>{L3}(1
:If S>∟LHS(23
:DelVar {L1}DelVar {L2}DelVar {L3}
:Text(15,24," Ha Ha You Lose!
:Text(23,25," Your Score= ",S
:Goto 4
:Lbl 3
:RecallGDB 1
:DelVar Pic1DelVar Pic2DelVar Str1DelVar GDB1
:If D:Repeat (player was hit by lightning) //that would be L, right?
:If not(D:Repeat (clear key hit)
: .
: . //the whole game loop here
: .
:" 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.?!→Str1
:If not(∟LHS(1
:StoreGDB 1
:StorePic 1
:Lbl C
:DelVar SDelVar DRecallPic 1
:Text({-}1,8,6,"LIGHTNING v2.5
:Text(17,25,"BY THESTORM
:Text({-}1,27,6,"1- PLAY
:Text({-}1,35,6,"2- WATCH
:Text({-}1,43,6,"3- SCORES
:Text({-}1,51,6,"4- EXIT
:DelVar {L1}
:Lbl Z
:Repeat Ans
:If K=92
:Goto 1
:If K=93
:Goto 2
:If K=94
:Goto 4
:If K=82 or K=45 or K=22
:Goto 3
:Goto Z
:Lbl 4
:RecallPic 1
:Text({-}1,8,10,"LIGHTNIN v2.5
:Text({-}1,16,16,"HIGH SCORES
:" →Str2
:If B=0
:Text({-}1,28,4,Str2," ",∟LHS(1
:" →Str3
:If B=0
:Text({-}1,38,4,Str3," ",∟LHS(12
:" →Str4
:If B=0
:Text({-}1,48,4,Str4," ",∟LHS(23
:DelVar Str2DelVar Str3DelVar Str4Goto C
:Lbl 1
:Lbl 2
:DelVar L
:Repeat K=45 or L
:RecallPic 1
:(P-8(S>6))D+randInt(12,82)not(D→G // P is guy's position
:(P+8(S>6))D+randInt(12,82)not(D→F // G,F are X-coords of lightning bolts
:randInt(0,2→O // Watchmode # of bolts
:2+iPart((S/3)D+not(D→E // E is V-increment
:For(V,62,0,{-}E // V is bolt Y-coord
:randInt({-}1,1→A // Go left/right/straight...
:G+EA(G+EA>0 and G+EA<95→W // ...but only if within screen
:Line(G,V+E,W,V,0 // Draw new bolt
:W→G // New X-coord gets stored
:If (S>6)D or not(D)(O=2 // Second bolt if S>6 (playmode)
:Then // or O=2 (watchmode)
:F+EB(F+EB>0 and F+EB<95→U
:If D // If in playmode
:getKey→K // Keychecking
:If K=26 or K=24 or V≥60
:P→M // Shift guy if target within bounds
:P+2(K=26 and P<91)-(K=24 and P>3→P
:(abs(P-G)≤5 or (S>6 and abs(P-F)≤5→L // L = guy hit boolean
:End // Bolt has hit ground or man
:Lbl A
:If (S>6)D or not(D)(O=2
:If (S>6)D or not(D)(O=2
:StorePic 2
:Lbl 5
:If S>∟LHS(23
:Disp ""," High Score"," Enter Name
:Repeat 11>length(Str2
:Input " ",Str2
:If 10<length(Str2
:Output(2,4," To Long
:If S>{L2}(1
:If S>{L3}(1
:If S>∟LHS(23
:DelVar {L1}DelVar {L2}DelVar {L3}
:Text(15,24," Ha Ha You Lose!
:Text(23,25," Your Score= ",S
:Goto 4
:Lbl 3
:RecallGDB 1
:DelVar Pic1DelVar Pic2DelVar Str1DelVar GDB1