- [84+CE] TugaCE - Turtle Interpreter
- 02 Feb 2025 05:49:19 pm
- Last edited by merthsoft on 02 Feb 2025 11:49:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
A long while ago, I made an interpreter for a custom Turtle language in Hybrid BASIC for the 84+CSE. I have long wanted to port this to the CE using C. In fact, that was the impetus to turtle library diving the Spirographic Generative Art program.
Well, I started working on it. As with the previous version, parameters are evaluated using the operation system's eval, so all math and variables are supported.
You can find the readme in the github repo with more info on commands:
Still a work in progress. No release availble yet.
Here are some screenshots to show off what it's capable of so far.
A spiral:
Code: https://github.com/merthsoft/tugace/blob/main/programs/SPIRAL.txt
A more advanced spiral, using the OS variables:
With different inputs:
Code: https://github.com/merthsoft/tugace/blob/main/programs/SPIRAL2.txt
A tree, showing off the ability to push and pop the turtle state onto a stack at will:
Code: https://github.com/merthsoft/tugace/blob/main/programs/TREE.txt
I'm current working on GOSUB and RET for TREEFREC to work:
Well, I started working on it. As with the previous version, parameters are evaluated using the operation system's eval, so all math and variables are supported.
You can find the readme in the github repo with more info on commands:
Still a work in progress. No release availble yet.
Here are some screenshots to show off what it's capable of so far.
A spiral:

Code: https://github.com/merthsoft/tugace/blob/main/programs/SPIRAL.txt
A more advanced spiral, using the OS variables:

With different inputs:

Code: https://github.com/merthsoft/tugace/blob/main/programs/SPIRAL2.txt
A tree, showing off the ability to push and pop the turtle state onto a stack at will:

Code: https://github.com/merthsoft/tugace/blob/main/programs/TREE.txt
I'm current working on GOSUB and RET for TREEFREC to work: