What was the best completed project of 2024?
 2%  [ 1 ]
Sonic 2 CE
 17%  [ 8 ]
KhiCAS for Numworks calculators
 2%  [ 1 ]
Basic Basic Revolution: The Graphical
 0%  [ 0 ]
mini-utils: A minimal set of minimal x86_64 Linux utilities
 0%  [ 0 ]
CEaShell 2
 11%  [ 5 ]
TI-Toolkit Token Sheets
 6%  [ 3 ]
 6%  [ 3 ]
Hexes Hex Editor
 11%  [ 5 ]
Graph3CE: 3D Graphing for the TI-84 Plus CE
 11%  [ 5 ]
ez80 Studio
 31%  [ 14 ]
Total Votes : 45

Hello everyone and welcome to the best projects of 2024! Each project won a majority vote for each month. Be sure to vote for what you believe is the best of the best!

First some honorable mentions. These aren't a part of the poll but they were either extremely notable, or got edged out by one vote!

  • January: Bad Apple on Crab Fit
    commandblockguy once again found another thing to play the Bad Apple animation on, this time on an event scheduling planner called Crab Fit. Previously he managed to do this on a Google doc using the comment feature. There’s a longer video of the impressive feat in the topic, so be sure to check it out yourself!

  • May: Gimme 5: All Stars
    Captain Calc created a Wordle-inspired game, which features puzzle sharing, beautiful graphics, different game modes, and more! If you enjoy word puzzles, be sure to give it a try.

  • August: Calc-Kill Extreme
    linkjt9 released an arcade-style fighting game for the TI-84 Plus CE, including some rebalancing from player feedback. It's written in ICE and makes great use of the language's graphics features; if you're a fan of fighting games, you owe it to yourself to check it out.

  • December: "AI" on a TI-84 Plus CE
    KermMartian has written the first TI-84 Plus CE program to use a convolutional neural network to identify hand-written digits drawn with a USB mouse! Even more impressive, it all runs directly on the calculator, and he completed the majority of the project over the course of a 56-hour train trip!

Now on to our Project of the Month winners!

  • January (Project List): tivars_hexfiend_templates
    If you want to view or edit any TI variable for the TI-8x family then you'll love LogicalJoe's addition to the TI-Toolkit project! tivars_hexfiend_templates clearly labels every aspect of the file and allows easy modification.

  • February (Project List):
    There were no completed projects this month, but you can still view all the progress that was made in the Project List.

  • March (Project List): Sonic 2 CE
    grubbycoder has finished a faithful port of Sonic 2 running at full speed on the TI-84 Plus CE! This includes all zones and acts. This feat has every detail documented on their writeup (archived version)

  • April (Project List): KhiCAS for Numworks calculators
    parisse is well known for porting their powerful Giac/Xcas computer algebra system (CAS) to flagship calculators like the HP Prime, TI Nspire, and Casio FX CG50. Now they've added Numworks as a supported calculator! KhiCAS adds CAS, a spreadsheet, as well as 2d & 3d graphing and interactive geometry. All this can be easily added to your Numworks using their web installer!

  • May (Project List): Basic Basic Revolution: The Graphical
    An impressively graphic-heavy port of Dance Dance Revolution was made by StephenM entirely in TI-Basic! The game is quite challenging and you can easily play it without any need for the Artifice jailbreak!

  • June (Project List): mini-utils: A minimal set of minimal x86_64 Linux utilities
    clevor threw himself into the deep end of x86 assembly by re-creating commonly used Unix programs such as cat, mkdir, and rm from scratch! Although not recommended for production use, this project could be useful for those also attempting to learn how to write code for a complex instruction set computer.

  • July (Project List): CEaShell 2
    TIny_Hacker and RoccoLox Programs have released a major improvement to their popular shell for the TI-84 Plus CE! This includes significant optimizations, quick launching any program using an [on] + [0 - 9] key combination, file searching, and even app icons!

  • August (Project List): TI-Toolkit Token Sheets
    A massive collaboration was organized for this addition to the TI-Toolkit project. kg583, LogicalJoe, Adriweb, and the team carefully documented over 800 tokens across every calculator in the TI-83 and TI-84 family. Their work is stored in an XML file which is intended to be a more generic reference tool for applications requiring tokens.

  • September (Project List): Designer
    If you want to quickly make a sprite or program icon directly on your TI-84 Plus CE then you need Frederik's program Designer! It has a powerful but intuitive UI that allows easy access to every xlibc color, direct memory visualization, and even a converter so you can send your sprite to your computer.

  • October (Project List): Hexes Hex Editor
    StephenM created a powerful tool to not only edit RAM and view ROM but also highlights what sections of memory belong to a file, displays sprites, and even remembers your place when you revisit the program.

  • November (Project List): Graph3CE: 3D Graphing for the TI-84 Plus CE
    Just before the 10th birthday of the TI-84 Plus CE, KermMartian released a powerful 3D graphing tool which has been a lacking feature since release! It allows six z= equations, different color schemes, tracing, and rotating the graph.

  • December (Project List): ez80 Studio
    RoccoLox Programs and TIny_Hacker collaborated to create a beautiful IDE for writing, editing, and assembling code directly on your TI-84 Plus CE! It includes syntax highlighting, a custom font, as well as light and dark mode.

There were many amazing programs this year. Remember to vote for your favorite project!
Great work on this, TLM! There are a lot of really impressive projects here Smile
Such a good year in calculator programming. Well done all!
Congratulations to all the Projects of the Month winners, and great idea (and thank you) for also featuring some runner-up projects! It certainly was a very busy year in the community, and I continue to be happy to see a mix of computer, calculator, and hardware projects in the mix - although from the above list, calculator projects are the clear favorite with our users. And of course a big thanks to TheLastMillennial for putting this article together in the midst of a busy schedule!

Don't forget to vote.
What a great selection of projects! I couldn't help but vote for Sonic given I grew up with a Sega Master System
It's great when a new game can evoke nostalgia for an old system (and era)!

Unofficial congratulations to first-place winner ez80 Studio, second-place winner Sonic 2 CE, and the three-way tie for third place between CEaShell 2, Hexes Hex Editor, and Graph3CE.
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