It's a isue with the day time. Sometimes when day/night cycle is on it does not save correctly. Normaly the day time on startups is 8 but when the save failed it will start at 16 so the brightness will be 24 when its full day and this is out of range and causes the bug. You can turn of day/night cycle and it should fix it or you could delete the worldData file if you want a day/night cycle in your world.

But thans for bringing this isue to my attention I will attempt to fix it in the net update and I am glad you enjoy the game.

If you are done with the video would you be able to post the link?
This project is insanely impressive to me. I remember being an ambitious teenager attempting to port nCraft to my PRIZM with no luck, and even as an adult, anything 3D adjacent is beyond me. I'd like to own a PRIZM again someday, so when that happens, I'll definitely be giving this a try!
I am glad you find this project interesting and please let me know when you have tried the game and what you would like to have added.
I just tried it out, and this is an incredible accomplishment! It runs pretty well, all things considered, though I experience lag spikes when moving between chunks. Also, trying to enter the program again after exiting appears to be impossible. Not sure why.
Yeah I don't really know how to get it to restart again when you just closed the program, so for now after closing the program you have open a different program before opening minecraft again.
You just can't restart directly the same addin on a Casio fx-CG10/20/50.
You need first to start an other addin, quit and then restart the first one.
It is possible apps like racing do it
another new version of my minecraft clone:

-Added wheat, bread, short grass, farmland.
-Short grass and dandelions are now in standard map rendering.
-Added farming.
-Hoes now create farmland.
-Fixed a bug where glass would render through glass
-Obsidian no longer gives off light.
-Fixed a bug where the last pixel of blocks would be cut off.
-10% faster updating to screen.
-Up to 20% faster quad rendering at half resolution.
-Up to 40% faster quad rendering at full resolution.
-Added a health bar and damage from lava and fall damage.
-Food (for now only bread) heals your health.



If you have any ideas for new features please let me know because i don't know what to add next.
You could for instance add some built-in overclocking as a « performance boost » option in the settings…
Thanks for the suggestion i will look into adding it to one of the newer versions
010ello010 wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion i will look into adding it to one of the newer versions

Cool, thanks !
Yo maybe add like beds to skip the night if they aint already added
Also this is genuinely the coolest thing I've seen in a really long time so thanks
Another new version of my minecraft clone:

-Added slabs, stairs, door and a bed to the game.
-The blocks furnace, chest and log are now rotatable.
-Some faces that are obstructed are no longer drawn.
-Calculating if a face has to be drawn (calculating based on normal) is now faster.
-Beds can be slept in to make it day if its night.
-Doors can be opened when pressing 9.



If anyone has any new ideas for features let me know Very Happy .
I know some people will hate this but you could add a weather system that could be toggled on the same screen as the day/night toggle. Smile
Nicely done, really enjoying watching this all unfold.

One suggestion I have is an improved appearance for the sky--it looks pretty bland, especially during the daytime. A bit of variation in the color, so it's not all one solid block, and some simple clouds/stars/sun/moon graphics would go a long way in making the game look better.
Is it possible to release a new FX-CG10 build?
Well I stopped working on the project for some time because I have a lot of things that I have to do for my study for now. But after all that I am planning to pick this project back up so I will attempt to release some new versions for the cg10 and cg20, but it is likely that not all of the features that are on the cg50 will be included like full resolution because there is not enough ram.
Another new version of my minecraft clone:

-Settings are now saved.
-Added coal, iron, gold, emerald and diamond block.
-Added redstone with 4 redstone updates per second.
-Added the redstone blocks redstone ore, redstone, redstone torch, repeater, iron door, redstone lamp, lever, buttons, redstone block.
-Added new crafting recipes for all the redstone.
-TNT expoldes when redstone signal is given.

The redstone is based of of the redstone in java but is not entirely accurate and the range that redstone updates in can be changed in the settings under redstone update distance, it works like the render distance only for redstone. I will attempt to add skybox, clouds and wheather in the next version.


download its mediafire so i can see the amount of downloads.

If anyone has any new ideas for features or finds any bugs please let me know. Just send me a message or post a reply. Very Happy
Dude. this game makes me want to get a fx-cg50!
Does anyone have a cg10 or cg20 that can test if a newer version for these calculators works?
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