It's nearly good!
I added a program selector and a catalog with every token.
I added a Goto Label thing
When the cursor goes off the end of a line, it switches to a centered view of it
A bunch of menus that match the TI-OS editor's menus (your muscle memory will stay, although the 2nd and alpha keys are sticky as opposed to going away after one key press!)
I also added a hotkey to execute the TI-BASIC program, but there's currently a bug with the CE C toolchain, so I disabled it for now.
Also, it now saves.
The editor is basically done. What needs to be done is
- Finishing the few user input menus left (stat/draw/distr/list/maybe more) and 2nd key inputs on keypad (and navigate to start/end of line with 2nd)
- Bug testing (probably an open beta)
Some nice things that are unnecessary to finish the editor that I may not add (but could in future if I ever feel like it)
- Find string?
- Draw pictures in "Vars" menu
If you'd like to help me find bugs, here's a current build of Aether.
[redacted link, look later in post for more up-to-date links]
I won't keep that link up forever, and I recommend you
back everything up before using it because it's not been thoroughly tested by many people (only myself).
Here's a quick usage guide written at 3 am (incomplete)
- [clear] backs out of menus and closes the program
- [X,T,0,n] opens the goto menu ([enter] to confirm, [clear] to back out)
- [mode] clears the line
- alphabetical keys jump in the program selector
- [2nd] toggles archiving in the program selector
- Pressing [2nd]->[alpha] enables lower-case alpha mode.
- [alpha] lets you jump around menus the editor by multiple lines at once
- [ON] toggles light theme
- [mode] opens the latest program in the Program Selector screen
DJ Omnimaga wrote:
Ever since I got a rev-M+ calc I got hooked to on-calc programming again. And now this new editor is on the way. It will be much easier to code because you see more characters at once. I can't wait to see what updates you have in store.
You should really add a special characters menu since some normally unreachable characters are still possible to use in pure TI-BASIC, like the accented letters, greek letters, inverted equal symbol, arrows, hashtag symbol, etc.
That's cool! I hope you enjoy it once it's ready
I believe I got all of the unreachable characters in the 2nd->Catalog menu!
TIny_Hacker wrote:
What if there was some sort of autocomplete feature for tokens, so that you wouldn't always have to open the menu to type anything? One of my biggest gripes with TI-BASIC is the fact that you can't really type it out, and have to keep digging through menus for all the tokens. Sure, you can get used to it, but I feel like some sort of autocomplete (if you found a good way to include it in the program) could be helpful.
epsilon5 wrote:
I agree that it would be pretty cool to see some sort of token search/autocomplete feature in the editor, that always took a lot of time.
I disagree, and I think once you get used to the token menus it can be quite quick and fun. It's less keystrokes, and it's a strong benefit of being tokenized. I find it good that we don't edit with pure text, and having live-tokenizing would simply accommodate for something imperfect.
It would definitely feel a waste of my effort personally.
epsilon5 wrote:
Any plans for Celtic CE/ICE support?
I don't think it's a good thing to support Celtic CE/ICE. For one, ICE is deprecated if I recall correctly. Next, Celtic CE/ICE were designed as a hack alongside the TI-OS editor I believe, and so then making an editor that supports a standard designed for imperfect editors is like an incest of an imperfectly designed system. It's kind of like how modern software is. Best would be if Celtic CE/ICE design their own standards and editors from the ground up so it can cohesively work well (outside of my scope).
I do try to be strict with my decisions because much software has too much fluff, I think.