- Janus — A quickstart library for games
- 23 Sep 2021 06:46:51 pm
- Last edited by VitalAsh on 21 Nov 2021 05:07:12 pm; edited 6 times in total
To aid me in making games, I decided that I wanted to make some a library with code that I would otherwise have to write multiple times across different projects.
So, I'm going to call it "Janus," because that's the Greek god of all beginnings [of my game projects
Right now, its features include:
► Simple key debouncing
► Quick way to get frame delta time
► A system for positional easing with the following eases: LINEAR, QUAD_IN, QUAD_OUT, and QUAD_IN_OUT
► A system for drawing animated sprites with variable frame lengths
► A system for updating and drawing a "QuickUI" for rapid prototyping.
► A method for quick and easy screen-shakes.
► A limited physics system
I'll add more features as I use it in more projects, but these features are the sorts of things that I'd like to start off with.
Demo (Animated PNG):
Github (Demo Code & Program + Library): https://github.com/slimeenergyreal/janus
This was fun to make, and I'm excited to add more features that I think up while I use it.
Latest Screenshot:
In the future, I want to create a quick-start guide for using various features of Janus in games, though until then the documented janus.h header file will have to do.
So, I'm going to call it "Janus," because that's the Greek god of all beginnings [of my game projects

Right now, its features include:
► Simple key debouncing
► Quick way to get frame delta time
► A system for positional easing with the following eases: LINEAR, QUAD_IN, QUAD_OUT, and QUAD_IN_OUT
► A system for drawing animated sprites with variable frame lengths
► A system for updating and drawing a "QuickUI" for rapid prototyping.
► A method for quick and easy screen-shakes.
► A limited physics system
I'll add more features as I use it in more projects, but these features are the sorts of things that I'd like to start off with.
Demo (Animated PNG):

Github (Demo Code & Program + Library): https://github.com/slimeenergyreal/janus
This was fun to make, and I'm excited to add more features that I think up while I use it.
Latest Screenshot:

In the future, I want to create a quick-start guide for using various features of Janus in games, though until then the documented janus.h header file will have to do.