ProgrammerNerd wrote:
How so. What are they missing?
I just wanna get ahead of the game and state that we will not allow this topic to devolve into politics. Please end this discussion here.
Double post because I'm not gunna mix up and admin statement and a personal post. :P
Michael2_3B wrote:
It costs too much to live, and I'm not exactly enjoying my time existing

I enjoy the photographs you post on IG! We all go through lulls and through lows, sometimes the two happen together. I'm looking forward to more of your photos and adventures!
Alex wrote:
ProgrammerNerd wrote:
How so. What are they missing?
I just wanna get ahead of the game and state that we will not allow this topic to devolve into politics. Please end this discussion here.
There is a forum for that, go there and rant about how government systems are broken and whatever this generation is tired about
Signed, SM84CE
For years, I have been unable to fall asleep before about 11 PM, no matter what time I get in bed, then, I naturally would wake up at 9 AM, my internal clock is about three hours off, and since school starts early, I am always tired all day. I have also never been able to take naps during the day, so I can't just come home and take a good nap after school.
I have tried several sleep pills, but none have had any effect on me.
And if that's not enough, my constant lack of sleep causes nauseating migraines.
Any ideas?
john35588 wrote:
For years, I have been unable to fall asleep before about 11 PM, no matter what time I get in bed, then, I naturally would wake up at 9 AM, my internal clock is about three hours off, and since school starts early, I am always tired all day. I have also never been able to take naps during the day, so I can't just come home and take a good nap after school.
I have tried several sleep pills, but none have had any effect on me.
And if that's not enough, my constant lack of sleep causes nauseating migraines.
Any ideas?
I had the same problem for 3 years a few years ago, and I solved it by waking up at 5am to go on a run, and then my internal clock was able to reset.
The reason why going on a run, instead of just going on your computer, or watching TV, or doing homework, is because working out is not only good for your body, but it will drastically increase your falling-asleep ability. I now fall asleep within 20 minutes of laying my head on my pillow. It used to be more than an hour.
If you don't feel like going on a run, then if you have gym class, then participate more, or do something that will get your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes every day.
You also are what you eat. If you know you eat sugary foods, then try to eat more pasta and meat. Protein in your system will also help you fall asleep faster, and will help you sleep better. (the reason lies in the heart).
Pasta, not-so-sugary cereals, or toast, or bagels, will also help you wake up, and give you energy when you get to school, and you will feel tired much less frequently.
If your problem is just getting out of bed, then ask a relative to dump water or tomato sauce on you if you don't get up. I did that two years ago, and I was able to get almost-perfect attendance at school.
I hope that helps. I had the same problems you had, and I hope any of those help you too.
If you want any more suggestions, then let me know.
Well... I'm gonna be on a bit of a hiatus for the time being.
My friend's drunk mother fell on my laptop screen, and it broke.
My laptop will be out of commission for a few weeks. Luckily she's paying to fix the damages.
It's just so surreal...
And I was literally on the brink of finishing a new IcyCraft update....
beckadamtheinventor wrote:
Well... I'm gonna be on a bit of a hiatus for the time being.
My friend's drunk mother fell on my laptop screen, and it broke.
My laptop will be out of commission for a few weeks. Luckily she's paying to fix the damages.
It's just so surreal...
And I was literally on the brink of finishing a new IcyCraft update....
Aww. That really sucks. I hope that not only your laptop will do okay, but I hope that you won't be bored out of your mind since IcyCraft is temporarily gone. Good luck.
Sorry to hear about the laptop, Beck

But happy to hear it's getting fixed without much trouble!
john35588 wrote:
And if that's not enough, my constant lack of sleep causes nauseating migraines.
Any ideas?
dunlavdy wrote:
If you don't feel like going on a run, then if you have gym class, then participate more, or do something that will get your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes every day.
You also are what you eat. If you know you eat sugary foods, then try to eat more pasta and meat. Protein in your system will also help you fall asleep faster, and will help you sleep better. (the reason lies in the heart).
Pasta, not-so-sugary cereals, or toast, or bagels, will also help you wake up, and give you energy when you get to school, and you will feel tired much less frequently.
Solid advice; I'm not 100% sure about the food but I'll give benefit of the doubt because I don't have the best diet and do have trouble sleeping. I also want to add that only use your bed for sleeping. Don't watch TV in bed, don't do homework in bed, don't program/computer or text in bed, basically don't do anything in bed that mentally stimulates and keeps you awake. You can take it to the extreme and don't do any of that in your bedroom but that's not feasible for everyone.
The reason is I suggest this is that we are creatures of habit. Having a schedule and a routine will help. If you go to bed and stay on your phone for an hour, your brain will think it's not bed time. But if you go to bed and actually try to sleep, your brain will start associating your bed with sleeping rather than other activities. It'll take a while, so keep on it.
Alex wrote:
Michael2_3B wrote:
It costs too much to live, and I'm not exactly enjoying my time existing

I enjoy the photographs you post on IG! We all go through lulls and through lows, sometimes the two happen together. I'm looking forward to more of your photos and adventures! 
Thank you! Although I'm not exactly having a great time in my surroundings, and I'm not exactly sure when or how I'll get out of my hometown, I try every day to have a more positive outlook and not let self doubt or anything get in the way. I'm holding on to the hope that one day, hopefully soon, I'll have the opportunity of my dreams and be living with people that share the same vision as me.
A quote I've recently seen is "One Day, or Day One?" Everything's been a process, so I'm not sure if there's actually been a definitive Day One, but a good marking point could be the day I dropped out of college, or perhaps the day I wrote my first blog, or perhaps it will be when I officially start my YouTube channel. If you're interested, my blog profile can be found at
Currently balancing working on my passions/dreams, and also actually supporting myself with some normal hourly jobs. Honestly I'm quite tired most of the time, but you've gotta do what you've gotta do.
I hate my family.
It's very complicated, so I'll fit as much as I can.
My mom barges into my room to call me for prayer but finds me in a less than convenient situation. When I see her talking to my dad when I finally get downstairs I tell her that she needs to knock on my door before entering (my dad took the lock on it on off because of "safety issues"). After arguing about that for a while, she says that I need to respect her because she is my mother and she gave birth to me (Christian logic, ugh). She also viciously mention how she will do anything to get that respect (She likes threatening me when she gets mad even though she couldn't do half of the things she says). I mention something about that not being important if she's not respecting me and she freaking grabs a frying pan and chases after me. I literally had to push my siblings out of my way because they kept trying to hold me as I ran. After my mom cooled down, my siblings go up to me and try to tell me that I should've just followed my mom's orders, even though said orders were not fair and also disrespectful to me. Of course, telling Christian kids valid points about how respect should be given and earned gets me called a narcissist for thinking that I'm the "smartest guy in the world". Seriously, isn't a common trait of narcissism the inability to listen to your opponent? Anyway, they leave, and dad tells me to go to sleep.
TL;DR: Mom chases after me with frying pan because I tell her that she needs to earn the respect she thinks she already haves but doesn't actually have. Then my siblings try to tell me that I'm a stupid narcissist for making more sense than they are making. I hate my family.
DanielSquad wrote:
Well, let's just get this over with. My life sucks because of the way my existence is perceived by society. Coming from school each day to do AP work in 9th grade is already stressful enough, but what pisses me off is the fact that most people simply deems that as a normal thing for an Asian person to do. I live under the Model Minority Myth: the myth that Asians are perceived as a superior minority race and that all other minority should follow suit. To me, it puts a ton of stress because everyone expects me to be extremely good at everything I do because I am simply Asian. I often have to remind them that I am human and to be honest, I'm not smart. I'm not the best at anything. I barely know the basics of programming, so that's why I came here. You could say that I should just ignore those people, but in a sense, I can't escape the MMM. Every action I make supports the myth but I want to be the best I can be. What should I do?
Lmao, I feel you... but from a totally different perspective. I go to a school where theres like less than 20 people who are asian in a 5A school. A lot of people look down at me in all my AP's simply because I'm asian and all of them are white. I even had a girl i had to pair up with in AP Calc to do an assignment and she went directly to the teacher in front of me about "switching partners." Also I'm 15 and 5'1'', so there's that too with people just looking at me like im the star at some freak show. And in band, 2nd chair clarinet always fusses when i accidentally overtone ("squeaking") when I'm playing the harder part and he's the one who needs to work on his embouchre!
Also I don't have a phone, because mom doesn't "trust" me. I lost my CE during the school year, Mom just took my nSpire away until the start of the school year. Yeah, my life sucks.
Given where I got punched at first, you are lucky to still see me around today, because I could have died instantly. Basically last Friday I got attacked and robbed despite all doors being locked (they came in through a window) and they even disconnected my internet and stolen my phone to ensure I lose contact with the rest of the world.
This must be one of the first home invasion in Quebec City this year
Man that's horrible

- Did you report it to the Police and have you been to the hospital?
Yes the police got called by my neighborhood who was annoyed at the noise at 4 AM, so thanks a lot to them, the police arrived fast. When the robbers got the memo that the police was on its way, three of them ran away (with some stock) and one stayed behind to steal my 9 years worth of souvenir computer, at which point I charged him and fought until he also ran away (without the computer). Then the police arrived. I got sent to the hospital in an ambulance and got stitches. Thankfully I got away with insurance problems because my healthcare insurance card was stolen in the robbery and I had zero trouble getting treatment for free. I got my stiches removed today, which kinda hurts btw x.x
I hope the police catch them so that I can start sending lawsuits.
you know, life sucks. School sucks, being freaking watched all the time sucks, failing at life, not having a job, no car, no license, no nothing. God! It sucks! Hope nobody has to feel pain like this. It sucks, like life, just sucks man.
TimmyTurner62 wrote:
you know, life sucks. School sucks, being freaking watched all the time sucks, failing at life, not having a job, no car, no license, no nothing. God! It sucks! Hope nobody has to feel pain like this. It sucks, like life, just sucks man.
I have basically no life at the moment so I feel your pain. Plus living in covid times feels very stressful. But I'm hoping things get better this year, I'm looking at getting my own used car or something soon if I can which would certainly make my life easier.
Anyway, hope things get better for you, we're all here if ya need to vent
My life sucks because my parents did beat me
for many years of my childhood
and I remember these things every day
and can't understand why they beat me
and why other people are allowed to live
without these bad memories and I do not,
so, sometimes I don't want to live anymore.
At least I told this things the school psychologist of my high school
a few weeks ago and we want to find a solution now.
DAVID-19 wrote:
My life sucks because my parents did beat me
for many years of my childhood
and I remember these things every day
and can't understand why they beat me
and why other people are allowed to live
without these bad memories and I do not,
so, sometimes I don't want to live anymore.
At least I told this things the school psychologist of my high school
a few weeks ago and we want to find a solution now.
I'm sorry to hear that you've had to experience that
But it sounds like you've taken a positive step, seeking professional help is the best thing you can do. It gives you someone to talk to that you can be completely honest with, and they're trained to help you navigate what you're dealing with.
Yes, I`m very happy that now I can talk to someone
about this things and I get help
after many years of being silence and suffering completely alone in my mind.
I know this sounds odd but sometimes I just can’t believe I wake up to the same reality every day. And even though it seems I should just be able to get my act together, stop procrastinating, and do what needs to be done and get out there more, it still feels so hard especially after over a year of significant isolation. And I don’t quite have my own car yet, but I’m trying to save up for one so I can have more freedom. Anyway I just feel kind of trapped, not sure if anyone relates. Sorry for the ramble