At long last, the first publicly available pre-release/testing release is out -- Version 0.0.92. We have done significant testing of the portions that work, but as always, issues may arise that we are unaware of. You may head to http://titrek.us/downloads.php to obtain this version.
What Works this Version
- Splash Screen and all menu options
- Log In, Registration, Disconnect
* test the ever loving Jesus out of those and we will push more updates through the autoupdate system as they are implemented.
Features Added:
- About Screen
- Program and Graphics Autoupdate (untested -- can only be tested when updates are available)
- ship initialization implemented, but sending to client not yet implemented
This program requires the C libraries, as well as USBDRVCE and SRLDRVCE. If you do not have these, you will see a red alert message on your splash screen indicating that "Networking disabled!". You will also see this is networking fails to initialize on your device for some reason. You may see this message for a few seconds before it disappears, which indicates that you serial driver has properly initialized. At this point, you can initialize the bridge for calc to server communication. The bridge, graphics, and client are all available at the project website via the link above.
The bridge folder has a config.json within it. That file has 6 configuration options:
"server" : This is the IP address of the server to which you wish to connect. To connect to my existing test server, the IP is play.titrek.us. This server will eventually be packaged for others to run their own instances should they wish... in this case, substitute that IP with the correct one.
"port" : This is the port on which the server is run. To connect to my test server, the port number is 51701. As with the previous config option, if you are hosting your own instance, you replace this with your own port.
"debug" : This flag determines whether debug information about the connection is printed to the Terminal as you use the bridge. This debug information includes packet size word and control code of the sent packet (useful for determining if your calculator is responding to server correctly. To assist with this, the Control Codes are public at https://github.com/acagliano/titrek-calc/blob/master/src/network/controlcodes.h)
"mode" : This flag determines whether the bridge will initialize into serial mode (for calc to server) or pipe mode (for CEmu to server). The valid values are:
serial | default (for calc to server)
cemu | pipe (for CEmu to server)
"pipe-in" | "pipe-out" : This is the path to temporary "pipe" files that are used by CEmu to emulate the serial library. This particular mode can take a few tries to initialize properly due to wonkiness with the initialization/file existence checking. Try starting CEmu once, then launch the game, let it create the pipe files, then quit CEmu completely, restart CEmu, start the bridge, then relaunch the game. I have had moderate success with this procedure.
Any questions pertaining to the bridge can be directed to commandblockguy.
Questions pertaining to the server, to beck.
Questions pertaining to the client or website, to me.
You can of course contact all of us via the project Discord at https://discord.gg/DBUXE6U
Please use discussion for general questions/conversation suggestions. And bug reports for bug reports.
At long last, the first publicly available pre-release/testing release is out -- Version 0.0.92. We have done significant testing of the portions that work, but as always, issues may arise that we are unaware of. You may head to http://titrek.us/downloads.php to obtain this version.
What Works this Version
- Splash Screen and all menu options
- Log In, Registration, Disconnect
* test the ever loving Jesus out of those and we will push more updates through the autoupdate system as they are implemented.
Features Added:
- About Screen
- Program and Graphics Autoupdate (untested -- can only be tested when updates are available)
- ship initialization implemented, but sending to client not yet implemented
This program requires the C libraries, as well as USBDRVCE and SRLDRVCE. If you do not have these, you will see a red alert message on your splash screen indicating that "Networking disabled!". You will also see this is networking fails to initialize on your device for some reason. You may see this message for a few seconds before it disappears, which indicates that you serial driver has properly initialized. At this point, you can initialize the bridge for calc to server communication. The bridge, graphics, and client are all available at the project website via the link above.
The bridge folder has a config.json within it. That file has 6 configuration options:
"server" : This is the IP address of the server to which you wish to connect. To connect to my existing test server, the IP is play.titrek.us. This server will eventually be packaged for others to run their own instances should they wish... in this case, substitute that IP with the correct one.
"port" : This is the port on which the server is run. To connect to my test server, the port number is 51701. As with the previous config option, if you are hosting your own instance, you replace this with your own port.
"debug" : This flag determines whether debug information about the connection is printed to the Terminal as you use the bridge. This debug information includes packet size word and control code of the sent packet (useful for determining if your calculator is responding to server correctly. To assist with this, the Control Codes are public at https://github.com/acagliano/titrek-calc/blob/master/src/network/controlcodes.h)
"mode" : This flag determines whether the bridge will initialize into serial mode (for calc to server) or pipe mode (for CEmu to server). The valid values are:
serial | default (for calc to server)
cemu | pipe (for CEmu to server)
"pipe-in" | "pipe-out" : This is the path to temporary "pipe" files that are used by CEmu to emulate the serial library. This particular mode can take a few tries to initialize properly due to wonkiness with the initialization/file existence checking. Try starting CEmu once, then launch the game, let it create the pipe files, then quit CEmu completely, restart CEmu, start the bridge, then relaunch the game. I have had moderate success with this procedure.
Any questions pertaining to the bridge can be directed to commandblockguy.
Questions pertaining to the server, to beck.
Questions pertaining to the client or website, to me.
You can of course contact all of us via the project Discord at https://discord.gg/DBUXE6U
Please use discussion for general questions/conversation suggestions. And bug reports for bug reports.