- TINotes:an easy way to create and manage notes in calculator
- 09 Feb 2019 06:13:16 pm
- Last edited by alienk on 12 Feb 2019 04:00:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
I recently created a web app called TINotes for managing and viewing notes in TI calculators.
Here's the link if you want to try it out: https://alienkevin.github.io/TINotes/
You can basically create files and folders on my website. All notes will be permanently preserved locally in your browser's localStorage folder so you can always close and reopen the website without worry of losing data. All data is stored locally on your machine and there isn't a server, so I have absolutely no access to your information. After you write all the notes, a TI-BASIC script containing them will be generated. You can then download and compile the script and load it into your calculator. TINotes support both monochrome and color calculators. For more details, please refer to the GitHub page. It's my first time posting a project on this forum so feel free to post any suggestions and recommendations.
Demo 1: Basic Usage
Demo 2: Step-by-step instructions
Demo 3: All folders and files are stored locally. Refreshing/closing and reopening will not discard data.
Demo 4: Notes navigation in the calculator, showing how you can navigate back and forth both in the folder system and within individual files
Here's the link if you want to try it out: https://alienkevin.github.io/TINotes/
You can basically create files and folders on my website. All notes will be permanently preserved locally in your browser's localStorage folder so you can always close and reopen the website without worry of losing data. All data is stored locally on your machine and there isn't a server, so I have absolutely no access to your information. After you write all the notes, a TI-BASIC script containing them will be generated. You can then download and compile the script and load it into your calculator. TINotes support both monochrome and color calculators. For more details, please refer to the GitHub page. It's my first time posting a project on this forum so feel free to post any suggestions and recommendations.
Demo 1: Basic Usage

Demo 2: Step-by-step instructions

Demo 3: All folders and files are stored locally. Refreshing/closing and reopening will not discard data.

Demo 4: Notes navigation in the calculator, showing how you can navigate back and forth both in the folder system and within individual files