Current Version: Download Xenon "ICE"
***The Current version of Xenon is written in ICE and is very buggy, The shell is currently undergoing a revamp!! ***
Revamped Features:
- Running Assembly & Basic Programs
- Terminal and Graphical Interface
- Password Lock / Customizable Username
- Developer Options
- Deleting Programs and Creating New Programs
- Battery indicator and Clock
- Customizable colors / Backgrounds
- Auto Exit (based on inactivity)
- Menu / Menu Pinning
- File / Folder System
- Graphical C Library (oxygen.h)
- ...
Oxygen Features:
- Graphical Mouse.
- Graphical Routines.
- Widget System.
- ...
Hydra Features
Notify Features
Xenon CL Features:
- Slim Shell
- Fewer features. (All Text-Based)
- Customizable Text and Colors.
- Command Line interface.
- Add Commands.
- ...
Revamp Concept Art:
*** Click here to view previous version screenshots ***
Previous Credits:
These are the users who
helped me and influenced me with The previous version of Xenon over its development. I would love to give them credit, and These Are the Users:
- LAX18 - for search code and providing the need pieces for the shell, Also giving me ideas and features!!!
- PT_ - For making ICE !!! & Helping with Saving code and teaching me how to store values into lists..
- BeckAdam - For helping LAX18 with Search Code and much more
- MateoC - For Making Cesium !! And inspiring me !!!
- EscherLochran - Making the Amazing Default sprite Icons!!
Development Questions
Why the revamp?
The current version of Xenon in Cemetech Archives is unstable and was hard to maintain, Leading to the rewriting of the shell. The revamped shell will have all of its code available on GitHub on release.
What is Xenon CL?
Xenon CL is a command-line interface for Xenon. The old version of Xenon used to have a built-in terminal but it took too much space due to its integration so it was removed. The removal of Xenon's Built-in terminal led to the creation of a new program Xenon CL, A compact small texted-based shell.
How do I request a feature?
You can request features by sending it through the discord listed at the bottom of the post, or make a post here.
"Xenon CL" Current Commands:
Code: "EXEC" - Execute Program
"EXEC -C" - Execute Command
"EXIT" - Exits Xenon CL
"RM" - Removes a file or folder.
"MAN" - Shows a manual for a command.
"PUSHDIR" - Move into a dir.
"POPDIR" - Return to the previous dir in the stack
"WHATIS" - Describes a program and displays the program icon.
"LS" - List files in current dir
"CP" - Copy file to dir
"MV" - Move a file to a different dir
"MKDIR" - Make a folder or dir
"CD" - Change/move to different directory
"PWD" - Tell your current dir location
"EDIT" - Edit a file in dir location
"COLOR -F" - Sets Foreground Color
"COLOR -B" - Sets Background Color
"!!" - Repeat previous command
"DATE" - Display Date
"TIME" - Display the time
"BATTERY" - Display the battery percentage.
"I look forward to adding the "ADDCMD" commandTerminalinal so that users can import your commands."
These are the important things I need "to-do" before Xenon and Xenon CL First Release:
Xenon: Visit the GitHub for more information.
- Concept Art (100%)
Create Expected concept art of Xenon.
- Create Needed Assets (100%)
Create All the need assets for prototype.
- Develop Prototype (50%)
Create the First prototype of Xenon.
- Current Progress:
Xenon CL: Visit the GitHub for more information.
- Concept Art (100%)
Create concept art of wanted outcome.
- Command Bank (100%)
Create all commands.
- Develop Prototype (100%)
Create First prototype of Xenon CL. (Does not include Fonts!)
- Current Progress:
Oxygen (Alpha): Visit the GitHub for more information.
- oxy_mouse.h (100%)
Create and clean up code.
- oxy_users.h (100%)
Create Simple user system.
- oxy_save.h (100%)
Save all oxygen's data into one app var.
- oxy_gui.h (100%)
Graphical Side Includes Different GUI elements, Such as Input and Boxes. (Needs More GUI Elements)
- oxy_notify.h (100%)
Notify Allows other programs to show notification in Xenon.
- oxy_files.h (100%)
Oxygen Virtual File System.
- oxy_gfx.h (100%)
Graphical Shapes and sprites effects (Need more shapes and sprite effects)
- oxygen.h (100%)
Links all files together, it's the main file.
- Clean Up Code (100%)
When the first draft of code has been completed, clean up and optimize code.
- Debug (15%)
- Create a Demo's (100%)
Create Demo's using oxygen.
- Include Commented Descriptions in all .h files (100%)
See Xenon Development Trello Board For detailed information, And feel free to join the Development Discord (Dead) for discussions and feature requests
Lol I initially thought this was a remake of the classic arcade shooter, but not to worry - Imagine playing a remake of Xenon IN Xenon though

Looks very slick and responsive, I hope people adopt this project!
tr1p1ea wrote:
0x5 I initially thought this was a remake of the classic arcade shooter, but not to worry - Imagine playing a remake of Xenon IN Xenon though

Looks very slick and responsive, I hope people adopt this project!
Thank you
. very much, For the complement.
Wow that's cool! Looks feature-heavy which I'm all for. Keep it up!
Is there any way that you can make it so that this opens from startup rather than having to open the prgm menu? I just feel that it would be a lot nicer to have this open, instead of opening this to open another program.
I've been skeptical of your projects before, but this time it looks really good! The Cesium-like interface looks very good. One thing I'm wondering is why haven't you updated your calculator to OS 5.3.0 yet? You no longer need the Asm( token.
Some suggestions: could you make this an app? Will you provide backup options so we don't have to worry about RAM clears? That's a big factor if I'm going to switch from using Cesium. Could you add a hex viewer for programs and app vars? ∫
Rohan: as far as I know, you can't run a program at startup on the CE like you can with the older TI 84 models. I'm not sure what's different, but it's not possible right now. However, Alvajoy could implement some hooks like Cesium does and have the shell open immediately when you press something like [on]+[prgm] which is the next best thing.
ckosmic wrote:
Wow that's cool! Looks feature-heavy which I'm all for. Keep it up!
Thank you ckosmic !!
. I look forward to adding more features, and release the first beta version.
rohanmodi wrote:
Is there any way that you can make it so that this opens from startup rather than having to open the prgm menu? I just feel that it would be a lot nicer to have this open, instead of opening this to open another program.
rohanmodi, There is a way to make my shell into an os so it can open on start up, using FreeOS made by MateoC. but it's in a different program language "asm"
I also think there is a way to open the shell on start like the way cesuim locks you calculator
But, I look forward to adding [on] + [prgm] hook with the help of LAX18 and PT_, so you don't need to go to the prgm menu
TheLastMillennial wrote:
I've been skeptical of your projects before, but this time it looks really good! The Cesium-like interface looks very good. One thing I'm wondering is why haven't you updated your calculator to OS 5.3.0 yet? You no longer need the Asm( token.
Some suggestions: could you make this an app? Will you provide backup options so we don't have to worry about RAM clears? That's a big factor if I'm going to switch from using Cesium. Could you add a hex viewer for programs and app vars? ∫
Rohan: as far as I know, you can't run a program at startup on the CE like you can with the older TI 84 models. I'm not sure what's different, but it's not possible right now. However, Alvajoy could implement some hooks like Cesium does and have the shell open immediately when you press something like [on]+[prgm] which is the next best thing.
I was using Cemu and I had an old Tios version on my PC. I also wanted people with an older version of Tios to know how to open the shell up
I could make this a shell into a app but I think I have to reprogram the whole shell in C
. I also thing that I should wait until the shell has no more bugs then I should turn it into a app.
"Could you add a hex viewer for programs and app vars?". I can but not in this beta release, I will also ask BeckAdam to help with adding this feature.
Please make sure to post your ideas or wanted features!!
1). You said you cannot use FreeOS because it is in asm. I am not well versed in any language besides TI-Basic (And even then, I am not an expert on that either), but don't you need to use the asm( command if you want to use an ICE program?
2). If you where to make a TI-Basic Program on the physical calculator (I do this a lot during math class), would it automatically show up in the Xenon interface?
3). I saw in the screenshots something about admin users, does that mean you can password-protect it?
4). Would the 'home screen' be like Doors CS or like a Kindle's swipe interface, or something completely different?
5). Is there a way to customize the icons for the programs?
rohanmodi wrote:
1). You said you cannot use FreeOS because it is in asm. I am not well versed in any language besides TI-Basic (And even then, I am not an expert on that either), but don't you need to use the asm( command if you want to use an ICE program?
2). If you where to make a TI-Basic Program on the physical calculator (I do this a lot during math class), would it automatically show up in the Xenon interface?
3). I saw in the screenshots something about admin users, does that mean you can password-protect it?
4). Would the 'home screen' be like Doors CS or like a Kindle's swipe interface, or something completely different?
5). Is there a way to customize the icons for the programs?
1.) You will need the Asm( command when you are trying to run an ASM program or ICE program.
2.) Yes, The program will show up in the Xenon UI, Also it Xenon has the ability to make new programs but not edit the program at the time
3.) Yes, The Xenon can lock itself when you click logout in the Xenon menu
. if you forgot you password you will have to download the password removal program
. I Also added hints basically the length of you password.
4.) Right now am not sure. I will make it up as I go
Edit: "I would do Kindle's swipe UI, but i don't have enough space ."
5.) Yes, there is but for you have to change it with Shell source code.
Edit: "Changing the Sprite Code, and can end up with Xenon Crashing.
What do you mean "you don't have enough space"? The kindle UI is really simple and you have plenty of on-screen space if you slightly reduce the icon size. You don't even have to animate it, just show what is next in the list.
_iPhoenix_ wrote:
What do you mean "you don't have enough space"? The kindle UI is really simple and you have plenty of on-screen space if you slightly reduce the icon size. You don't even have to animate it, just show what is next in the list.
That's true I will try that!!!
. And I will inform you of any problems with this GUI update
hopefully I can give you credit for this
I will be changing the look form the Kindle GUI to look something of Doors CE GUI
here is what I mean
Due to Mid-Terms this project will be paused until Tuesday.
"I am trying to get a good grade and study hard."
Alvajoy123 wrote:
I will be changing the look form the Kindle GUI to look something of Doors CE GUI
here is what I mean
Due to Mid-Terms this project will be paused until Tuesday.
"I am trying to get a good grade and study hard."
You don't need to add [Paused] in the title when the project is only a few days delayed.
Anyway, this looks really nice! How hard was it for you to add running BASIC and assembly programs? Or did you just stealcopy someone's else code? I'm curious about how this project turns out, and I wish you best of luck!
PT_ wrote:
Anyway, this looks really nice! How hard was it for you to add running BASIC and assembly programs? Or did you just stealcopy someone's else code?
Running programs was all made by LAX18.
All Credit goes to LAX18
PT_ wrote:
I'm curious about how this project turns out, and I wish you best of luck!

Thank You !
Hey Alvajoy,
I hope you do well on your midterms

Do you have an estimated time frame as to when XENON will be completed? This month, this year, in 5 years? Looking forward to its release, will be sure to install it when it comes out.
rohanmodi wrote:
I hope you do well on your midterms

Thank you
. I passed all of my mid-terms with a 90's and above, Also mid-Terms are now over.
rohanmodi wrote:
Do you have an estimated time frame as to when XENON will be completed? This month, this year, in 5 years? Looking forward to its release, will be sure to install it when it comes out.
I will be releasing Xenon soon
Help Needed
I'm getting
close to releasing the Beta version of Xenon but i have some few problem and I would like some help from Cemetech ICE programmer.
- Menu Pining (100%)
Allow you to have Pin a Prgm into the Menu.
- Adding rom and ram pointers. (100%)
View value of rom and ram pointers .
- Ram Leaks (On Hold)
Program crashes due over searching
- Making Program Size Smaller (40%)
Size is too big for my satisfaction. 19000-20200 bytes
- Adding [ON] + [PRGM] hook (0%)
Allowing users to access Xenon without going to Prgm menu
Please PM or Post any features that will be useful for Xenon.
I will also keep an update on this post.
This is all for now.
will this shell have folder support?
De2290 wrote:
will this shell have folder support?
It will have the folder function.. But not in the beta version, which is the current.
Hello Everyone,
Lately, I have been working on the Terminal portion of Xenon
Here are the commands on the Terminal so far:
Code: EXIT - exit the shell
ECHO "String" - Displays String Input
TIME - Display time
VER - Display Terminal Version
RUN "B/A" "prgm name" - runs a basic or asm program A as in asm, and B as in Basic
VIEWVARP - displays all the programs in the calc
*DELVARP "Prgm name" - to delete a program
* I have removed some commands due it being not important such as "return" and "rand" where removed to make space for better commands. such as "run"
Wanted command:
Code: IMPORT "PRGMNAME" -Import commands into the Terminal
This command is related to the python import command.
I am trying to find a way to transfer program data to the terminal so it will run users commands.
so far there has been no luck.
What have I done so far?
Please refer to the first post to view and to see what I am working on.
Also, I will be posting more screenshots soon..
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