I was not hacking your website. I was looking for potential vulnerabilities that you could fix. I'm sorry if it came across this way. I never did anything besides disabling your script to prevent devtools from being opened. You should make a topic once you are done fixing it, because I really like your ideas.
This is literally all you need to do
- Fix the login things. Firebase provides several authentication methods. It's really simple
- Remove the script preventing users from opening devtools, it's easily disabled and bad practice. It throws a huge red flag.
I'm just going to state this again, I'm trying to help you, not hurt you, and I'm sorry if my actions made it sound like I was trying to do the latter. I can tell that you really put a lot of effort into making it as it currently is. I respect that, and I hope to see more of your project.
Let's keep this thread on-topic, though
SAX/IRC wrote:
<iPhoenix> Hacking is also known as debugging, but it's more forceful.
[TheLastMillennial] door kicking is just like uninstalling a door, just more forceful
semi-relevant irc logs ftw