TI84plceBasicPro wrote:
Bible verse proving gay marriage wrong:
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Romans 1:24-27
That just proves that whoever wrote that verse thought it wasn't right, not that it is definitively wrong.
TI84plceBasicPro wrote:
Bible verse proving gay marriage wrong:
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Romans 1:24-27
The Bible is not a legal document. Our country [US] was founded upon the idea of a separation between church and state.
TI84plceBasicPro wrote:
If you're for same-sex marriage. Fine, than go for it.
TI84plceBasicPro wrote:
Bible verse proving gay marriage wrong:
You seemed to have a complete change of heart from your first post to your second one.
In your first post, you said yourself that some people are religious and some aren't, and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Why couldn't you just leave it at that and not say that gay marriage is "proven wrong"?
And why did you feel the need to revive a 4 year-old thread to be generally disrespectful to anyone who wants people to be free to love who they want to?
The bible "proves" nothing except to people who believe in Christianity, 5 billion people don't and to them what it says does not mean anything. Not to mention the fact that many Christian churches are open towards people of all sexual attraction and orientation.
I wrote that gay marriage is wrong and that if you're for it though, than go ahead. God gave us a conscious and if you choose it it is not my responsibility to change it (well, there's a couple exceptions to that, one being its one of my own future kids). It says that men started burning with passion for each other and paid the due penalty for it (STD's, etc.).
What I'm saying is gay marriage is wrong and I'm all for if there was ever a law trying to be passed preventing it, but if you're going to be gay, then that's your decision not mine.
dankcalculatorbro wrote:
TI84plceBasicPro wrote:
If you're for same-sex marriage. Fine, than go for it.
TI84plceBasicPro wrote:
The bible "proves" nothing except to people who believe in Christianity, 5 billion people don't and to them what it says does not mean anything. Not to mention the fact that many Christian churches are open towards people of all sexual attraction and orientation.
There are many different church denominations. The one you're talking about are not Presbyterian/other dispensationalist chuches. These "christians" do not know the bible very well.
Whether or not you are fine with same sex marriage or not, I'm sure it's highly based on your religion/personal situation, and from what I read this topic is more about whether the Bible is true or not. Surely another discussion worth, but keep in mind that that discussion is going on for hundreds/thousands years already
Same sex marriage is fine outside of religion. End of story. Okay let's move on and go program.
TI84plceBasicPro wrote:
If you can' stand same-sex marriage than don't expose yourself to forums like this. (sigh), what has this world come to. Once upon a time, you had to "date" a girl in front of the father, and if all things went well you got married. Maybe if we went back to that we wouldn't have a 50% divorce rate (No, I seriously don't mean to actually go all 19th century again. Just saying... WTF has this world gotten to!?!?

I don't usually make posts on subjects that are a little touchy, but I think that by necroposting a thread like this, you are exposing yourself to opinions that surely differ from your own.
I won't be giving out a whole lot of personal opinion, but I think you can guess my position based off the 3 things I am about to mention...
- Heterosexual marriages are more likely to end in divorce source
- To paraphrase Dawkins, religious people are agnostic/atheist about thousands of other gods, and people who identify as agnostic atheists are only taking it one god further.
- Anthropoids have gay sex.
Ask yourself these questions; and if you answer "The Bible" to any of them, ask yourself why.
1) Killing is ___ because
2) Stealing is ___ because
3) Having affairs is ___ because
4) Lying is ___ because
Then ask yourself:
1) Gay marriage is ___ because
2) Divorce is ___ because
3) Evolution is ___ because
4) The earth is ___ years old because
And hopefully you will learn how to think.
Mateo! Those were not real questions ie. they just contained underscores and stuff
merthsoft wrote:
Also, I think everyone would benefit from actually reading the thread before posting in here, as basically everything has already been covered.
even weird stuff?
fds and fms?
For these long debate threads you may want to run this:
let posts=($pages-1)*20
for i in `seq 0 20 "$posts"`;
wget -nc "https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t="$threadID"&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start="$i
Example usage:
bash download.sh 4849 22
That way you can grep for you arguments before replying.
Ah, that's what Kotu was saying last night on CodeWalrus about Cemetech being smashed? <.<
masterpaedo hopped into the server. Kangaroo!!Yesterday at 5:21 PM
[5:26 PM] masterpaedo: broke?
[5:27 PM] masterpaedo: oh same as before
[5:27 PM] masterpaedo: ok bye
[5:58 PM] Yuki: Hi
[6:08 PM] BOT𝄒: JosJuice has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[6:55 PM] masterpaedo: oh
[6:56 PM] masterpaedo: :yuki~1:
[6:56 PM] masterpaedo: cemetech got smashed
[6:57 PM] sauce: Really ?
[6:57 PM] sauce: By ti ?
[7:21 PM] xlibman's walrus: Hi
[7:27 PM] sauce: oi
[8:15 PM] masterpaedo: sauce is a massive cunt
[8:15 PM] masterpaedo: xlibman is not french - like i wont get punched
[8:15 PM] masterpaedo: ow
[8:16 PM] sauce: well that's true
[8:16 PM] masterpaedo: what bit
[8:16 PM] sauce: cunt
[8:16 PM] masterpaedo: that is what you look like
[8:16 PM] masterpaedo: a cunt for a face
[8:16 PM] masterpaedo: 3 inches wide
[8:16 PM] masterpaedo: x1000
[8:17 PM] masterpaedo: soru
[8:17 PM] masterpaedo: you are fat - a fat man
[8:17 PM] sauce: acually
[8:17 PM] masterpaedo: also
[8:18 PM] masterpaedo: be quiet
[8:18 PM] sauce: no
[8:18 PM] masterpaedo: i saw a fox last night, in the street. i kicked its head in
[8:18 PM] masterpaedo: (it was shit)
[8:18 PM] sauce: are you kotu
[8:18 PM] masterpaedo: yes
[8:19 PM] sauce: well no surprise then
[8:19 PM] masterpaedo: what
[8:19 PM] masterpaedo: at least i have MASSSIVE BREASTS
[8:19 PM] masterpaedo: see
[8:19 PM] sauce: i was wondering why you were so rude
[8:19 PM] masterpaedo: not sure
[8:19 PM] sauce: and i don't care for breasts
[8:19 PM] masterpaedo: meh
[8:20 PM] masterpaedo: so
[8:20 PM] masterpaedo: everyone is away from their pc right
[8:20 PM] masterpaedo: shit
[8:20 PM] sauce: yeah
[8:20 PM] masterpaedo: ffs
[8:20 PM] masterpaedo: will i get banned
[8:20 PM] sauce: Time to sleep you useless cunt
[8:20 PM] masterpaedo: nah
[8:21 PM] masterpaedo: im gonna do all the base ive got left
[8:21 PM] masterpaedo: thats my standard
[8:21 PM] sauce: sure
[8:21 PM] masterpaedo: oi
[8:21 PM] masterpaedo: i love doing base
[8:21 PM] masterpaedo: wait
[8:21 PM] masterpaedo: are you my friend?
[8:22 PM] masterpaedo: can i just say b4 i get blocked
[8:22 PM] masterpaedo: soru needs to be fucked and
[8:22 PM] masterpaedo: juju as well
[8:26 PM] sauce: No
[8:26 PM] sauce: @Yuki Kotu is here :eyes:
[8:27 PM] masterpaedo: you black cunt
[8:29 PM] sauce: Acually
[8:30 PM] masterpaedo: yes what
[8:32 PM] masterpaedo: too tedchnical?
[8:32 PM] masterpaedo: :upside_down:
[8:33 PM] masterpaedo: is there a law that says i cant be banned
[8:33 PM] masterpaedo: cool
[8:34 PM] masterpaedo: nice place
[8:34 PM] masterpaedo: fucking get fucked
[8:35 PM] sauce: no
[8:41 PM] masterpaedo: i am a paedophile and i rape kids
[8:45 PM] masterpaedo: what do the people want
[8:46 PM] masterpaedo: is this a bullshit page
[8:47 PM] masterpaedo: i will wait :smiley:
[8:53 PM] masterpaedo: sauce
[8:53 PM] masterpaedo: are you dead?
[8:56 PM] masterpaedo: oh i ssee
[8:57 PM] masterpaedo: custom site
[8:57 PM] masterpaedo: bye
Which reminds me, if you're LGBT and plan to move to Quebec province, then don't move to the city of Lévis, especially the eastern end.
Smashed with wget requests? I do not understand the IRC log at all.
Also I do not like the LGBT acronym. It should be sorted alphabetically. Now it is like someone just used a random letter generator. Also people keep trying to add a bunch of letters.
Edit: I found the source code which generated the LGBT acronym
import random
import string
''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(random.randint(1, 16))])
Afterwards people now do the following
'LGBT' + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(random.randint(1, 32))])
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