So ... here's my list of questions. Warning: Expect abrupt and large topic jumps.
1. I found and installed the CE toolchain and libraries. As far as I understand, they are based on what little technical information TI has published, and probably a whole lot of reverse engineering (especially the contents of
Is that correct?
Does TI have any plans to release more information, libraries, IDE, etc. for C/assembly development on the CE? IMHO it would be the device manufacturers job to provide development tools, or at least release the complete set of documentation necessary for creating them without large amounts of reverse engineering.
2. gfx_SwapDraw vs. gfx_BlitBuffer
If I understand the library code correctly (I am not familiar with eZ80 HW and assembly, but I have over a decade of experience working with various other architectures like MSP430, 8051 and ARM), gfx_SwapDraw actually synchronizes the buffer swap with the LCD refresh, while gfx_BlitBuffer does not?
Side question: What is the refresh rate of the LCD? 30 Hz? 60 Hz?
3. Is there any information on which resources a program can safely use, e.g. on-chip timers, etc, and which are require by the calculators software/OS?
4. Can programs use the MACC unit of the eZ80? And if yes, are there library functions for using it from C? I looked at ZDSII, and it does not appear to have any settings for using a library that takes advantage of the MACC unit. (The MSP430 device I worked with allowed the developer to use libraries that use its on-chip MAC unit, that's why I am asking.)
5. The library function _SetPixel end with the line
It stores the value 00h to the address specificed by the HL register, if I understand the eZ80 assembly correctly. Shouldn't it be storing the value specified by the global color index instead?
Or ... wait ... that's self-modifying code and the 00h is replaced with a different value by _SetColor, right?
Well, that's it for now. I am looking forward to any answers.

1. I found and installed the CE toolchain and libraries. As far as I understand, they are based on what little technical information TI has published, and probably a whole lot of reverse engineering (especially the contents of
Is that correct?
Does TI have any plans to release more information, libraries, IDE, etc. for C/assembly development on the CE? IMHO it would be the device manufacturers job to provide development tools, or at least release the complete set of documentation necessary for creating them without large amounts of reverse engineering.
2. gfx_SwapDraw vs. gfx_BlitBuffer
If I understand the library code correctly (I am not familiar with eZ80 HW and assembly, but I have over a decade of experience working with various other architectures like MSP430, 8051 and ARM), gfx_SwapDraw actually synchronizes the buffer swap with the LCD refresh, while gfx_BlitBuffer does not?
Side question: What is the refresh rate of the LCD? 30 Hz? 60 Hz?
3. Is there any information on which resources a program can safely use, e.g. on-chip timers, etc, and which are require by the calculators software/OS?
4. Can programs use the MACC unit of the eZ80? And if yes, are there library functions for using it from C? I looked at ZDSII, and it does not appear to have any settings for using a library that takes advantage of the MACC unit. (The MSP430 device I worked with allowed the developer to use libraries that use its on-chip MAC unit, that's why I am asking.)
5. The library function _SetPixel end with the line
ld (hl),0 ; get the actual pixel
It stores the value 00h to the address specificed by the HL register, if I understand the eZ80 assembly correctly. Shouldn't it be storing the value specified by the global color index instead?
Or ... wait ... that's self-modifying code and the 00h is replaced with a different value by _SetColor, right?
Color_SMC_1 =$+1
Well, that's it for now. I am looking forward to any answers.