Found some typos (some are more important than others)
1. I couldn't find the [any key] button on the calculator
2. 0:11 'Oftan' is spelled 'Often' (or were you trying to say 'Of an'?)
3. 0:17 (This is a nitpicky one) The second 'amount' could be replaced with 'number'
4. 0:20 You can remove the comma in 'happy, as well.'
5. 0:26 You can remove the comma in 'profits, though'
6. 1:20 I'd replace 'to adjust room, and press enter' to 'to adjust room. Press enter' (you may not even need the 'press enter...' part since you have '[ENTER]' at the bottom.)
7. 1:41 I'd do the same as for #6. but add a '[ENTER]' at the bottom
At 4:15 you bought airport B, what would happen if you bought airport E? Would it route you through airport D to get there? Or would it not allow that?
Cool entry! The only suggestion I have is that it could really use some more complex sprites.
***TheLastMillennial nudges _iPhoenix_ toward AAIONIA