I bet the 3D graphing functionality will be disabled in exam mode. IIRC, in some countries 3D graphing is explicitly in the list of features a calc must not have to be accepted in certain exams (it would be good if someone could give a concrete example, because I'm sure I read this somewhere but I don't remember what country it was).
In terms of new features, that press release only talks about the 3D graphing abilities and the different case, an "improved catalog function" (I wonder if all they did was bring back the Help function available in some fx-9860G models?), and a new case.
So we still know nothing about:
- CPU / RAM (although, and like I mentioned in a different thread, I too believe they'll keep using the SH7305; maybe they'll increase the RAM to 4 MB or more? I guess the 3D graphing functions will have higher memory requirements)
- Storage capacity and connectivity (now that the rest of the world is already moving to USB Type C, are they finally going to switch to a microUSB connector?

- Screen resolution, and whether it will be touch-enabled (my guess is it won't have a touchscreen)
- UI/UX changes (not expecting many if at all, especially because that's the kind of stuff you can turn into marketing speak and put in that initial press release, but there's no mention of it, so...)
- Program add-in support (likely gone, or reduced to "faux add-ins" that merely enable functionality already compiled in the core of the OS, much like the Conversion add-in of the fx-CG 10/20)
- Language add-in support\0
MSRP of $99.99... isn't this cheaper than the fx-CG 10 at launch? Here the current Prizm model goes for 150€ or more, in physical stores at least (it can be bought online for about 100€ now I think, but it's been many years since the release), but I don't know how it is/was in the US.
I'm also slightly annoyed that they decided to use the "Prizm" marketing name for this new calc, because when it comes to add-in support at least, it will likely have big differences, which means all the references to the "Prizm" we have been making throughout the years are going to cause much confusion to newcomers. Oh well... just like the Nintendo Switch here's another product announcement that doesn't excite me. Must be of the time of the year.