- Minecraft structures
- 09 Jan 2017 03:24:04 pm
- Last edited by SeeGreatness on 22 Feb 2017 11:52:19 am; edited 10 times in total
It would be cool if you could save the coordinates of any structure in Minecraft
and use the clone command (at least that's what it is in pocket edition) to automatically store and calculate what side is up and down in your structure from when you input the coordinates randomly into the calculator
I'm going to work on this program that anyone is free to download for now!!(not sure if it will be completely free and worst case scenario you just click a link that shows you a advertisement)
developers are entitled a free edition guaranteed if I decide to make this a paid program but that would be determined by the votes when the program is done to give plenty of time for the results if you think it should be a paid or a free program (personally I want it to be free and that's why I voted XD )
Also you are free to help me create the functions
Although I have not started yet on this. if you would like to make a function that figures out what side / which set of coordinates is higher than the other please do so using variables that are being used in this project and they are as the following: Note:This might change depending on how adam does the new code
x1 - coordinate set one (coordinate input set one is one corner of the structure you want to copy in your world)
y1-coordinate set one
z1 -coordinate set one
x2-coordinate set two (coordinate input set one is the other corner of the structure you want to copy in your world can be lower than the first one to select all blocks in that area)
y2 -coordinate set two
z2 -coordinate set two
Variables other than that will be established later so please leave a reply if you would like to add a variable just state the usage, benefits, reason of adding and cons if any of the variable
What I am doing first (unless you're willing to do it) is the world select menu and how to add more menus for the world and options to create a new world NOTE: this is already done Note:adam would like to start over and I have let him create his own version so that's the one were going with because I ran into some problems with mine...
next would be to basically copy that code and paste it in a part of the program that's suitable (this is basically spaghetti language) for it to go. So that we may have a structure selection for each world with a max of 3 worlds and a max of 3 structures is 18 coordinates (each structure has 2 sets of coordinates (xxy) (other xzy) which is 6 total coordinates for each world. And all 3 worlds combined is 9 total coordinates for the all worlds all structures (correct me if I'm wrong ...plz) and this is minimum)
And then modify it so you can select the structures or create a structure. Then to create the input function for you to name and set the coordinates /dimensions for the structure
of course we will need a way to delete the created things and we want it so that the delete key and the confirm key are NOT the same key to avoid accidents
We have a new member his username is " Pieman7373 and he will be debugging the code once we are all done and ready to release it out to the public
we have a new member...his name is Adam [color=red](without his clever username that he will soon make) (currently doesn't have a cemetech account but I'm encouraging him to get one but his class doesn't get as much computer time as my class does...
Bye for now and I hope to have you on my team.
Team members
-user interface--Adam
and use the clone command (at least that's what it is in pocket edition) to automatically store and calculate what side is up and down in your structure from when you input the coordinates randomly into the calculator
I'm going to work on this program that anyone is free to download for now!!(not sure if it will be completely free and worst case scenario you just click a link that shows you a advertisement)
developers are entitled a free edition guaranteed if I decide to make this a paid program but that would be determined by the votes when the program is done to give plenty of time for the results if you think it should be a paid or a free program (personally I want it to be free and that's why I voted XD )
Also you are free to help me create the functions
Although I have not started yet on this. if you would like to make a function that figures out what side / which set of coordinates is higher than the other please do so using variables that are being used in this project and they are as the following: Note:This might change depending on how adam does the new code
x1 - coordinate set one (coordinate input set one is one corner of the structure you want to copy in your world)
y1-coordinate set one
z1 -coordinate set one
x2-coordinate set two (coordinate input set one is the other corner of the structure you want to copy in your world can be lower than the first one to select all blocks in that area)
y2 -coordinate set two
z2 -coordinate set two
Variables other than that will be established later so please leave a reply if you would like to add a variable just state the usage, benefits, reason of adding and cons if any of the variable
What I am doing first (unless you're willing to do it) is the world select menu and how to add more menus for the world and options to create a new world NOTE: this is already done Note:adam would like to start over and I have let him create his own version so that's the one were going with because I ran into some problems with mine...
next would be to basically copy that code and paste it in a part of the program that's suitable (this is basically spaghetti language) for it to go. So that we may have a structure selection for each world with a max of 3 worlds and a max of 3 structures is 18 coordinates (each structure has 2 sets of coordinates (xxy) (other xzy) which is 6 total coordinates for each world. And all 3 worlds combined is 9 total coordinates for the all worlds all structures (correct me if I'm wrong ...plz) and this is minimum)
And then modify it so you can select the structures or create a structure. Then to create the input function for you to name and set the coordinates /dimensions for the structure
of course we will need a way to delete the created things and we want it so that the delete key and the confirm key are NOT the same key to avoid accidents
We have a new member his username is " Pieman7373 and he will be debugging the code once we are all done and ready to release it out to the public
we have a new member...his name is Adam [color=red](without his clever username that he will soon make) (currently doesn't have a cemetech account but I'm encouraging him to get one but his class doesn't get as much computer time as my class does...
Bye for now and I hope to have you on my team.
Team members
-user interface--Adam