Hmmm, we'll have to think about that. Thanks for bringing it up.
If an upload to the archives gets rejected, you lose the info you put and the description you wrote, so you have to write it all over again. Can this be fixed so that you don't lose any of that data when its rejected? That way you can just modify whatever needs to be fixed without having to redo the entire thing.
Unless there is something about this already that I don't know about.
Unless there is something about this already that I don't know about.
Sounds like you should just save that information in a text file alongside the *.zip; That's what I did. And, honestly, its only 5 minutes of work to fill that stuff out anyways, isn't it?
On mobile, there is no way to get the standard desktop site to show up. I have a phone that's pretty much a tablet, and it would be great if I could see SAX and the rest of the sidebar like it usually is on the desktop site.
Can a button/thing be added so that either when I check the "show desktop version" box on a mobile browser, the desktop site is actually shown?
Can a button/thing be added so that either when I check the "show desktop version" box on a mobile browser, the desktop site is actually shown?
Hooloovoo wrote:
On mobile, there is no way to get the standard desktop site to show up. I have a phone that's pretty much a tablet, and it would be great if I could see SAX and the rest of the sidebar like it usually is on the desktop site.
This was a suggestion by me in the design and testing phase of the current site. Since we use the width of the screen to determine which style sheet to show, it just comes down to how you view it. For instance, when I'm holding my phone like a phone post dates don't show up and last poster is hidden from the recent posts. While rotating into landscape brings both those back.
I think responsive design is a great response to mobile devices and making a mobile website since you effectively have one template to maintain, it's a true PITA when you want to view the proper desktop stylesheet. Case in point, Play @ Cemetech looks absolutely terrible on mobile; at least the landing page there.
Can a button/thing be added so that either when I check the "show desktop version" box on a mobile browser, the desktop site is actually shown?
Not currently. We don't have a way to force one stylesheet over the other. Since this is a responsive template, you can even get the mobile style by shrinking your desktop browser window.
In fact, it's not even separate stylesheets; the same stylesheet just applies a different layout depending on the width of the viewport, and hides some things when it judges there to not be enough horizontal space to fit everything.
I think it would be convenient to make a folder in the archives just for the TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition for programs not compatible with the TI-83 Plus or TI-83 Plus Silver Edition. As of now, programs for the TI-83+, TI-83+ SE, TI-84+, and TI-84+ SE are all in one folder. But what if your program contains any of these?:
If it does, then you can't send it to a TI-83 Plus or TI-83 Plus Silver Edition.
AUTO Answer
DEC Answer
FRAC Answer
summation Σ(
If it does, then you can't send it to a TI-83 Plus or TI-83 Plus Silver Edition.
Cemetech's mobile site needs ergonomics fixes. the links are too small, and zooming is impractical because you have to zoom back out again every time! This is not a problem on tablets, but is a VALID ergonomic concern on 4 inch smartphones like my Lenovo A369i !!!! If possible, I would like data saving features to be added so that anyone with a small data plan ( I have 250mb 2g only) and even a crappy connection can participate in the for anywhere where they might be. This is important because I ( and probably other) people have crappy 2g connections. My speed is 0.16mb/S download at best, though is gets slower than 56k dial-up, so such data saving features are very helpful (but not just to me...). Also, I would like that there is an active SAX chat widget at the bottom of the mobile site screen. If possible, cemetech should add an app style mobile interface like the one facebook has. I hope someone listens to me... I do not demand a thing. I am just suggesting things.
When logging in, if you accidentally type in your password wrong, it will come up with a page saying that you can "Click here" to log in again. the normal log in menu is still in the top left corner. I usually start logging in again but the site automatically redirects to the log in main page, half way through me logging in. I don't think it needs to redirect to any log in page when there is still a log in box on the page.
Stardust49 wrote:
When logging in, if you accidentally type in your password wrong, it will come up with a page saying that you can "Click here" to log in again. the normal log in menu is still in the top left corner. I usually start logging in again but the site automatically redirects to the log in main page, half way through me logging in. I don't think it needs to redirect to any log in page when there is still a log in box on the page.
this happens because the current page refreshes but with the account logged in
No. That's not correct sadly. If your username and password combination are incorrect a page pops up with the text "You have specified an incorrect or inactive username, or an invalid password. / Click Here to try again / Forgot your password?" After about 5 seconds that page redirects to the standard forum login page. So, if you're someone who uses the forum at the left hand side of the screen, above the latest headlines, you'd naturally start typing in your credentials again. However, the page will redirect.
This new page has two login forms. One where it is on every page for logged-out visitors and another for the standard forum login.
This new page has two login forms. One where it is on every page for logged-out visitors and another for the standard forum login.
I don't think it's too major of an issue to put in the Bug Reports thread, so I'll posf it here.
Those artifacts in the lightning effect are really bugging me. I've slapped together a fixed version in Photoshop if y'all just want to use that, but it doesn't look as clean as if it were edited in the original.

Those artifacts in the lightning effect are really bugging me. I've slapped together a fixed version in Photoshop if y'all just want to use that, but it doesn't look as clean as if it were edited in the original.
Make a kind of preview for editing your profile. It's a pain to update your signature, or avatar, and then you need to go to one of your posts to check if you succeeded.
CVSoft wrote:
Those artifacts in the lightning effect are really bugging me. I've slapped together a fixed version in Photoshop if y'all just want to use that, but it doesn't look as clean as if it were edited in the original.
Those are supposed to be bits of lightning that have broken away, but I see how it could look like artifacts. 
PT_ wrote:
Make a kind of preview for editing your profile. It's a pain to update your signature, or avatar, and then you need to go to one of your posts to check if you succeeded.
A good idea. For now, the suggested way to do this is to click your name under "Welcome back, [yourname]."
When browsing through the archives looking for interesting programs, I often find myself copying the name, pasting it into the search bar, and then sifting through the results to find the program page so I can view the screenshots, reviews, etc. Unless this already exists and I just haven't found it yet, wouldn't it be nice if you could click on the program to either go to its page or to expand it and see its info?
Kydapoot wrote:
When browsing through the archives looking for interesting programs, I often find myself copying the name, pasting it into the search bar, and then sifting through the results to find the program page so I can view the screenshots, reviews, etc. Unless this already exists and I just haven't found it yet, wouldn't it be nice if you could click on the program to either go to its page or to expand it and see its info?
That can be done by clicking on this icon:

Kydapoot wrote:
Wow. Don't know why I didnt think to click that before.

IIRC, it's the same format as
Oh thanks. Also I noticed that there is a comma rather than a period at the end of the first sentence on the Cemetech Statistics page, and since I'm a grammar freak, this kind of bugged me.
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