Maybe it doesn't need to reach 999999 at all...
I can tell you that this value starts at count 0 from time to time. It may depend on the model type, the model revision, the fabrication plant, the preinstalled OS version, or more factors.
Some examples:
Code: (2012-09-xx) 362AW29IA455959
(2014-06-xx) 362AW46IA265102
Smaller number. Different OS version.
(2004-03-09) G430-32 P129301 4Q10309A
(2004-11-11) G430-41 P006305 4Q11111A
Smaller number. Different OS version.
(2006-07-26) G363-52 A243863 6Q0726 R/H
(2006-10-24) G365-53 A233411 6Q1024
Smaller number. Different model/OS version.
(2008-01-28) G363-74 A118195 8Q0128 R/H B
Smaller number. Different hardware revision.
(2007-08-15) G366-71 A137858 7Q0815 R/H
(2008-04-08) G366-72 A113835 8Q0408 R/H B
Smaller number. Different hardware revision.
And by the "serial number in the flash ROM", do you mean the USB ID? Because that doesn't appear to be serial, just a random string.
Yes, the service ID. And even if it is random, it's still better than the product code number.
These examples you gave are not of Prizm IDs. It's possible that the IDs for the Prizm will reset some day (if they change the CPU? If they introduce a model with exam mode?), but so far that doesn't appear to have been the case.
TeamFX wrote:
Yes, the service ID. And even if it is random, it's still better than the product code number.
Yes, it's better at uniquely identifying a calculator (e.g. asserting that an add-in is not running on a specific calc), but it gives no information about how many calculators are produced per month, what is their hardware revision (because there's no date/sequence, it's impossible to match the data with that of other calcs where the HW is known), since when do Prizms come with a certain OS version, etc.
In hindsight, the ID survey should have been asking for the ID on the back and/or the service ID. But for statistical purposes, the ID on the back is more interesting. is partially broken.
Model : fx-CG20 AU
Product code : 755FW5XYA403532
OS version : 02.01.1200
OS timestamp : 2015.1005.1214
BIOS timestamp : 2010.0910.1621
This model has a 32 MB ROM, but 16 MB cannot be used.
Some info from the OS 2.02 setup:
OS version : 02.02.0200, 02.02.3200, 02.02.4200
OS timestamp : 2015.1127.1657
BIOS timestamp : 2015.1116.2146
OS version : 02.02.1200
OS timestamp : 2015.1127.1704
BIOS timestamp : 2015.1116.2146
Obviously, Prizm calculators manufactured with OS 2.02 have a newer boot code.
I did not yet check what the actual difference is.
Oops, I completely forgot about PrizmID. I have updated the code to deal with the fx-CG20 AU and with the 02.01 OS (which is one of those that can only come preinstalled, i.e. there was no online download for it, right?).
Here are the new assumptions it makes about product IDs:
- They always start with 755AW, 755DW or 755FW. These correspond, to the fx-CG 10, fx-CG 20 and fx-CG 20 AU, respectively;
- After the year and month characters, there's MA or YA (previously, it assumed only MA was valid).
Do you think it would be worth it to allow people to register "blue" (school property) Prizms (755CW)?
In related news: at the moment of writing, and over one year after the survey began, 68 product IDs have been submitted. A fairly low number for such a lengthy period of time and given the amount of Prizms laying around (in the high school I went to plus the university alone, I've seen more than 68 Prizms), but better than nothing, I guess.
The original idea for this project was to analyse the raw results, looking to see if it was possible to determine at which point in time each OS version was introduced in the production lines and with what hardware revision.
This part was more or less successful, with some conclusions going into the Prizm Wiki pages about OS versions and hardware revisions. As many survey submissions have been made since I wrote those, it's possible that more conclusions can be taken.
Another goal for the project was to publish aggregate statistics about the "universe" of submitted Prizms, including distribution of OS versions, hardware revisions, and if a very large amount of good data could be obtained (which didn't happen), even stuff like stats about default OS revisions and HW revisions by country/region/seller could be published. You know, all the good stuff that's at the beginning of the first post.
The thing is, I don't have time nor motivation to do this, as I stopped developing for the Prizm a long time ago and mostly stopped following the community (I'm only here because a user sent me an email about a different situation relating to the Prizm). I'm going to leave the survey running, as it costs the TNY network almost nothing to keep it going. But I believe the data collected could be in much better hands, of someone who actually did something with it.
I would rather not publish it for everyone to see, as some users could have an issue with it. I could remove the last parts of the serial numbers and certain more personally-identifiable comments people included, but that would be taking away value from an already small dataset. Instead, I think it would be better to give it to one or two persons who are trusted and into Casio stuff, who can then analyse it more carefully (and eventually, if they wanted, publish it after blanking out stuff - I have nothing against it, I just think that by then the data wouldn't be of much use). TeamFX is one person that comes to mind, I'm not sure if he's interested. Any suggestions or objections?
Thanks for all your updates, i wonder if the new boot code on calculators which come with 2.02 is safer than the one which was wipable and therefore making prizms brickable.
I assume boot code Is separate to os updates, i.e. It does not get updated with the os update, i.e. Stays what it cames as with the calculator originally
Thanks again all
And really sad to see gbl08ma leaving this community
Well, I would only check if the product code consists of 15 alphanumeric digits and starts with 755.
Yes, that is the most flexible approach. I would change the code to do that, but it requires more changes to the code than what I can do now. I also need to change the ID decoding code so that it doesn't assume the input is in a specific format, and only decodes things if it can recognize one of the known formats. Hopefully later today I will be able to get to it.
Model : fx-CG20
Product code : 755DW5ZQA411421
OS version : 02.01.0200
OS timestamp : 2015.1005.1208
BIOS timestamp : 2010.0910.1621 tells me it is an invalid product ID.
Sigh, so many types of product keys... changing the website to accept any kind of product key (while still disallowing spam robots: looks like I'll need to add a captcha) is on my to-do list, but I'm yet to have time to do it and probably won't have until the end of June.
As promised, I updated the website to accept any alphanumeric string with 15 characters as a product key. Now, it doesn't even check if it starts with 755 - anticipating a future when Casio puts something other than a LY755 board in a Prizm case

. This means I may need to do some database cleanup from time to time, if for some reason spam bots find it a good idea to leave 15-character spam messages in the field.
I also submitted the 755DW5ZQA411421 ID TeamFX posted; please complete its information if you want to.
Now, let's hope Casio doesn't change the product IDs so they begin having symbols or different lengths... at that point they must be trying to play games with us.
Do we know what the MA, YA or QA at the eighth character of the ID means? Perhaps Casio built more production plants or assembly lines and the eighth character identifies those?
gbl08ma wrote:
Do we know what the MA, YA or QA at the eighth character of the ID means? Perhaps Casio built more production plants or assembly lines and the eighth character identifies those?
Could be a fabrication plant marking or something completely different...
Known characters are: I, J, M, N, Q, R, X, Y
Does any Prizm onthat list other than mine still work?
Juju's Prizm died 2 days after he got back into Prizm dev recently.
AFAIK (I don't have it here with me now, and haven't checked for over a week) mine still works and it's on that list, even though it's a "Frankenstein" with bits from two hardware revisions and missing capacitors... I like to think it's what would result from a "a my Prizm" show if such a thing existed, with the "icing on the cake" being that the pimping was done... by Casio's authorized personnel, no less.
EDIT: Cemetech censors some words and I'm not going to bother with fixing my post because I'm half-quoting the title of a TV show directly; I don't even...
I own an fx-CG20 from mid 2011 which I have used quite often and it is still working.
I also had a Prizm from early 2011 and this one died just a few months later after installing a lot of those Cemetech add-ins... This calculator was also experiencing the "stuck on shutdown logo" syndrome a few times before it finally stopped working. So if you have observed this phenomenon and pressing RESTART did not kill the calculator, you better start saving some money for a replacement.
I have not seen this effect on any of my Prizm calculators after I stopped using any of those Cemetech add-ins. Obviously, the overclocking used in some of these add-ins can dramatically shorten the calculator's lifetime. Even if people are now no longer using such programs, the calculator will just break a few years later then. This is probably what happened to Juju.
Hi TeamFX, which add-in you use now please if any just to see what's considered safe and to compare notes, or are you able to list which ones are considered unsafe please. Kind regards
I'm not using many add-ins. Just the official Casio versions, Simon's Insight and NoteView and a few self-written ones for probing hardware or software features.
So my usage scenario is kinda boring...
And I don't know which programs apply overclocking, but Gravity Duck can degrade Prizm hardware fast.
Thanks, i also use self written ones (public ones as per my signature here and a few unreleased ones), simon's insight and gbl08ma's eigenmath and imageviever and nothing else... I have tried a few more over the years but eventually uninstalled them completely. Gbl08ma's new utilities version i still have to try