Recently, I've been helping out with a self-hosted open-source web client, The Lounge. We use IRC (#thelounge on freenode) for the majority of discussion, so I made a small IRC bot written in JavaScript. Mainly, the bot's for practice, but it's proven to be pretty helpful so far.
At the moment, it only has github-related utilities but I plan to change that once I've modularized the bot.
In the config you can set a default github-user and a default github-repo, so when none is specified it defaults to them.
Current status:
!gh - returns Github link to default repo
!gh owner/repo (ie !gh MaxLeiter/lounge-bot) - returns Github link to specified project
!gh issue/commit/pr # - returns link to relevant PR/commit/issue
!gh owner/repo issue/commit/pr - returns link to relevant PR/commit/issue in specified repo
!gh search # - searches Github issues and PRs
!gh search owner/repo # - searches Github issues and PRs in specified repo
It also supports in-line commits, issues, and PRs (so you can say "how about #13" and it will return a link to it).
At the moment, the code is pretty messy, but it's been a fun side project so far
Here's some screenshots:
Showing inline issues and searching:
Showing commits/pr's/issues from other repos:
The bot also messages users that join the channel with the default nickname for the client (lounge-user) and lets them know how to change it to something more unique.
At the moment, it only has github-related utilities but I plan to change that once I've modularized the bot.
In the config you can set a default github-user and a default github-repo, so when none is specified it defaults to them.
Current status:
!gh - returns Github link to default repo
!gh owner/repo (ie !gh MaxLeiter/lounge-bot) - returns Github link to specified project
!gh issue/commit/pr # - returns link to relevant PR/commit/issue
!gh owner/repo issue/commit/pr - returns link to relevant PR/commit/issue in specified repo
!gh search # - searches Github issues and PRs
!gh search owner/repo # - searches Github issues and PRs in specified repo
It also supports in-line commits, issues, and PRs (so you can say "how about #13" and it will return a link to it).
At the moment, the code is pretty messy, but it's been a fun side project so far
Here's some screenshots:
Showing inline issues and searching:
Showing commits/pr's/issues from other repos:
The bot also messages users that join the channel with the default nickname for the client (lounge-user) and lets them know how to change it to something more unique.