caleb1997 wrote:
3. I do not, however, support a cooldown period for /home. I myself have gone to spawn, and then realized that I forgot something at home. But I can't /home right then and there, because I have to wait 15 seconds for a cooldown period. And those 15 seconds(or whatever the cooldown period is right now) could be spent doing something else.
The reason for this isn't so much due to the cooldown, it's becouse we have the luxury to instantly tp to some place without having to take the time to travel. Due to this luxury there's no real motivation for bringing all your stuff the first time, as you can always just quickly tp back and pick up something else. With the tp commands gone and a walk/train ride of maybe 5 minutes ahead, you'll probably think more about what you bring before you leave and you can always remember that you forgot something on the way.
There was actually a study a while back saying that we actually remember/forget a lot of stuff when entering a new environment. This also applies to minecraft in some sence. If you tp, your usually just standing in the middle of your base, and the next environment you see, (probably some project your working on) will instantly remind you you've forgotten something. If however you walk out of your front door, that environment change will also cause this effect, allowing you to just quickly go back in and pick up what you've forgotten.
As a bit of trivia, the study I described above is also what causes you to forget what you were looking for when you enter your house
Sorry if someone's already mentioned this (I don't want to read all four pages of posts any more thoroughly) but what about using the boat glitch? It's very fast, and very easy to set up. I'm sure we could even design some sort of turning mechanism. Of course, there are disadvantages. The bug may get fixed in future versions (or even by the time 1.9 comes out). Some might also feel bad knowing that the server's primary transportation method wouldn't work without an odd glitch.
Also... Elytra? I know they are really rare (and are probably meant to be that way) but... it would be really awesome... I should stop typing shouldn't I?
Oh man... We could have elytra courses throughout the world, and if you leave the designated area a plugin removes them from your inventory. When you enter a course you would get the elytra as well. There would also be some sort of warning in case you brought some with you. Quite a fun method of transportation...
Oh yeah, and at spawn we could have launchers. I saw a video about someone who made an Elytra launcher on youtube.
Unicorn wrote:
Oh man... We could have elytra courses throughout the world, and if you leave the designated area a plugin removes them from your inventory. When you enter a course you would get the elytra as well. There would also be some sort of warning in case you brought some with you. Quite a fun method of transportation...
Oh yeah, and at spawn we could have launchers. I saw a video about someone who made an Elytra launcher on youtube.
I could build a command block prototype for a system like that if it would be helpful. But what if the user "fell out" of the course? Would they keep the elytra? Would it disappear from their inventory mid-air so that they would fall and die? Elytra are fun, but extremely dangerous.
I guess the course would be walled in with the transparent blocks. There would be only designated entries and exits, like in a rail system.
Unicorn wrote:
I guess the course would be walled in with the transparent blocks. There would be only designated entries and exits, like in a rail system.
What shape would the tunnel be? If the player falls at some point, will they be able to continue? It's not easy to define non-cubic areas for plugins or command blocks.
Hey guys, just want to clear the air before things get to far along. I appreciate you guys showing interest in the topic and I had no idea wings were going to be in 1.9. That said, spawn will likely include a point at the top of the tree where one can fly from if they receive Elytras from events on the server such as Scavenger Hunts, Abba Caving Tournaments, PvP Tournaments and, other server sponsored events.
Also, an Elytra launcher is incredibly unlikely. It'd be cool if players created towns close enough to fly between but as I mentioned, Elytras are going to be incredibly rare to come across as they can't be crafted and they will not be given out for transportation-only purposes, only as prizes.
I do support Elytra (as they are incredibly cool), but having courses for them could possibly get effort-intensive, and difficult to create. Also, having towns that you can fly to...... You'd have to put them right next to each other. After all, the best glide ratio for these is 1:3 (1 block down, 3 blocks forward), and you'd have to start from, like, 100 blocks up to fly 300 blocks out. Not to mention that it is not very easy to achieve a 1:3 ratio and sustain it. But is it possible to add the elytra to the shops? 1 elytra could be 1500 denarii, or something like that. But yes, I do support having elytra, and giving them out as rewards.
There's my two cents. Make of it what you will.
caleb1997 wrote:
1 elytra could be 1500 denarii, or something like that. But yes, I do support having elytra, and giving them out as rewards.
Until the economy is normalized it's unlikely spawn will sell any tools like an Elytra. Because it could be like 1.7/1.8 where 1500D is as simple as waiting 10 minutes at a farm. But with the route we're taking, using ores for currency rather than gold ingots, it's unlikely to be easily gamed. But time will tell and prices will adjust accordingly.
Secondly, Elytra's will not be for sale. They will be given through server events like Abba caving tournaments, treasure hunts and, other community events. We're already encouraging towns to be within a reasonable proximity by releasing 1.9 with a smaller world border for the first few months. Hopefully we'll see Elytra's as a prize shortly thereafter.
Elytras are awesome and everything, but I do need to mention that they are beyond overpowered, and if we have them in 1.9, they need to be incredibly rare, limited to naturally finding them in occasional end city structures, and a very rare reward from server activities. You can fly approximately 1800 meters per minute with elytras, which equates to cross-map travel anywhere from 1-3 minutes depending how large the map is-- you are literally Superman with this. It needs to be pointed out that if everyone had Elytras, then the long discussed path-making intentions from town to town are essentially purposeless other than for looks (why waste your time making a path when you and everyone else on the server has access to elytras?). I'd love to see them in the next map, but I would hate to see everyone have them and void the purpose of not only paths, but railroads which also fall under the same category. (Why make railroads when no one will use them?)
Elytra distance/time testing:
caleb1997 wrote:
After all, the best glide ratio for these is 1:3 (1 block down, 3 blocks forward), and you'd have to start from, like, 100 blocks up to fly 300 blocks out.
I'm not sure where you're getting this from, but that's false. The ratio is more like 1:9.5.
I think there should be at most one (if not zero) Elytras on our 1.9 map. They're so overpowered compared to walking, riding horses, and riding rails that they would make our rail and road system utterly useless. If we're going to put the effort into good-looking, functional, vanilla transit, let's actually use it. I'm concerned at the number of possible events comic listed where an Elytra might be acquired, and I think even that many is too much.
KermMartian wrote:
I think there should be at most one (if not zero)
The only way people should be able to acquire an Elytra is if they kill comic while he is in creative mode.
KermMartian wrote:
I'm concerned at the number of possible events comic listed where an Elytra might be acquired, and I think even that many is too much.
In fairness those were all possible events, not that it'd be a guaranteed prize. It would depend on participant turn out, if I have tougher clues than I did for The Last Hunt and, other factors that'd be determined with fellow mods.
KermMartian wrote:
I think there should be at most one (if not zero) Elytras on our 1.9 map. They're so overpowered compared to walking, riding horses, and riding rails that they would make our rail and road system utterly useless. If we're going to put the effort into good-looking, functional, vanilla transit, let's actually use it. I'm concerned at the number of possible events comic listed where an Elytra might be acquired, and I think even that many is too much.
They're not that overpowered. If you hit the ground too hard, then you die. But I do agree with only having a few elytra- they're too powerful to bandy about lightly.
I wonder if they'll make them craftable..... (probably not).
Also, I don't think that they would void the use of rails. After all, even with a 1:10 ratio, you'd have to be incredibly high up for you to fly far enough to void the use of the rails. Also, 1800 meters per minute is about 108 km per hour.... More than enough to kill you if you happen to fly into a mountain side. Even with armor on.
So.. removing the ability for people to either get the Elytras either via end or events takes away one of the key things 1.9 brings. What's the point of moving to 1.9 if we're not able to (eventually) enjoy everything that it brings? Have you seen the video of the Elytra launcher, and absolutely how much fun that thing looks like it is?
I would be sad to see it restricted to that extreme, and honestly it probably wouldn't be seen all that much unless others were playing. I mean, it takes up your torso armor slot, people are going to be much more concerned with being able to protect themselves from mobs than always flying around the map.
Based on the discussion here and in IRC, I withdraw any opinions that I have on the Elytra: I thought they were more powerful than they are. I leave it to the mods and to comic to figure out what would be best with them.
tifreak8x wrote:
The idea is to have rails between cities, amongst other styles of trails and roads.
Then why don't we have some one dedicated to building rails?
caleb1997 wrote:
tifreak8x wrote:
The idea is to have rails between cities, amongst other styles of trails and roads.
Then why don't we have some one dedicated to building rails? Presumably because one person would get bored just building rails.
I believe people who want to build them should, and people who don't shouldn't. Hopefully when people build towns and cities, they'll want to connect them to the rail system anyway so people can visit their towns.