tifreak8x wrote:
Literately! *points at screenshot* There's 3 iron right there :p
I still can't believe how close that match was, and how there was 3 pieces of gold waiting for me right at the start.
Selena wrote:
So close buddy...so close. Just needed this gold---right by the starting line!

I thoroughly enjoyed this as well, and definitely cannot wait for the next one! I think the fact that the game was that close made it really much more interesting, despite my loss haha. I'd love to see more games like this. Props to Monkey0x9 for burning tifreak8x!

ComicIDIOT wrote:
It's all good. I think having a CommandBlock would be great! The Home base area can always be the same region name. That way the command block at Spawn or somewhere would just need to be activated allowing people to exit.
I think maybe in 1.9, so Abba Caving can be a regular and fresh experience a new, small, map can be generated for each game. Maybe that's something that's do able with a command block as well? After the world is generated it teleports the presser (aka an admin) into that world so they can find a good cave system. They set up home base and name the region the default name. Teleport interested parties in. Then back at Server spawn the Admin presses the "Commence" button and the game starts.
That way the timer is only present in that world. If that's even doable and any server chat (like the count down, 5 minutes remain, etc) are limited there. Also, after the timer ends the Command Block can set the construct flag for that world to deny, preventing any after-game mining. To be fair, have a cool down so the construct flag is set 30 seconds or so after the game to allow those who are currently extracting ore, unless the rules state you must stop at the end of the timer.
I follow completely with this! I especially resonate with the idea of having a small world regenerate for usage of Abba Caving, and being able to do something like allow someone to go into spectator mode for that world to find the proper cave to begin at and everything. If we had such a thing, creative mode would help with building nice embarkation rooms to start the matches out in. It's really fun to build it with the materials I have though, but either way.
The idea is on the timing, that everyone should remain within the defined boundaries until a "GO" is given after a countdown, and the players should immediately drop their picks when the time is up. There are fair warnings we typically do, such as having someone read off the time remaining every few minutes, and especially as it closes within 1 minute remaining. I know we'd definitely be able to do some of this or all of it with command blocks, so it'd just be a matter of actually getting it worked out and implemented.
Altogether, I would like to say that Abba Caving has been just as fun as it was initially when we first started doing this, and I'd even argue it's more fun. We're starting to see 5-player matches, with potential for 6/7 players (which might start getting a little too big at that point haha... we'd have to potentially go with the multiple starting points idea...)
And everyone seems to enjoy it. We may want to continue to consider dividing the loot from "winner takes all", to having winner take most of it, and a small pecentage split amongst all other participants. Even though it defeats the 'abba - winner takes it all' ideal (in case you were wondering, Abba is a band, and Winner Takes It All is a song), it may be more beneficial for maintaining participants and not discouraging people from playing just because they don't think they will win.
Thanks everyone for the continual support of this mini-game, and thanks for playing!