Changes and additions, in order of appearance:
* Revised character status summary, also now able to display status effects
* Status effects show up on status menu top area
* Consumable item use and context-sensitive character selection
* Equip from inventory menu
* Resistance indicators in status menu (and that the logic works)
* Paging through equipment information
* Tossing items and attempting to toss items you can't part with
* Get equipping logic so you can't do things like equip four swords
* Make magic functional
* Probably improve equipping starting from Equip rather than inventory.
* Start planning a cutscene script system
* Maybe think about the battle system
* Revised character status summary, also now able to display status effects
* Status effects show up on status menu top area
* Consumable item use and context-sensitive character selection
* Equip from inventory menu
* Resistance indicators in status menu (and that the logic works)
* Paging through equipment information
* Tossing items and attempting to toss items you can't part with

* Get equipping logic so you can't do things like equip four swords
* Make magic functional
* Probably improve equipping starting from Equip rather than inventory.
* Start planning a cutscene script system
* Maybe think about the battle system