I have been receiving a sax chat error since the upgrade as pictured below:
Win7 64-bit SP1
Chrome Version 45.0.2454.85 m
IE11 Version 11.0.9600.17914
It may just be my work firewall - but it was working fine before the upgrade.
EDIT - Here is what the console is saying:
Code: Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED
saxjax.js:58 ERROR: request id 1.1 error 0 happened
saxjax.js:58 WARN: request errored, status: 0, number of errors: 1
https://cemetech.net:5280/http-bind Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED
saxjax.js:58 ERROR: request id 2.2 error 0 happened
saxjax.js:58 WARN: request errored, status: 0, number of errors: 2
https://cemetech.net:5280/http-bind Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED
saxjax.js:58 ERROR: request id 3.3 error 0 happened
saxjax.js:58 WARN: request errored, status: 0, number of errors: 3
https://cemetech.net:5280/http-bind Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED
saxjax.js:58 ERROR: request id 4.4 error 0 happened
saxjax.js:58 WARN: request errored, status: 0, number of errors: 4
SAX.setLogLevel(0); SAX.connect();
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: Got credentials 1961,6ce1e6ce8e59faf7082ed454c15a6f73
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: _throttledRequestHandler called with 1 requests
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 6.0 posting
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 6.0 state changed to 1
strophe.min.js:3 OPTIONS https://cemetech.net:5280/http-bind net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILEDl @ strophe.min.js:3a.Bosh._processRequest @ strophe.min.js:3a.Bosh._throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.min.js:3a.Bosh._connect @ strophe.min.js:3h.Connection.connect @ strophe.min.js:2room.connect @ saxjax.js?5:473(anonymous function) @ VM81:2InjectedScript._evaluateOn @ VM70:904InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap @ VM70:837InjectedScript.evaluate @ VM70:693
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 6.1 state changed to 4
saxjax.js?5:58 ERROR: request id 6.1 error 0 happened
saxjax.js?5:58 WARN: request errored, status: 0, number of errors: 1
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: _throttledRequestHandler called with 1 requests
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 7.1 posting
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 7.1 state changed to 1
strophe.min.js:3 OPTIONS https://cemetech.net:5280/http-bind net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILEDl @ strophe.min.js:3a.Bosh._processRequest @ strophe.min.js:3a.Bosh._throttledRequestHandler @ strophe.min.js:3a.Bosh._onRequestStateChange @ strophe.min.js:3
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 7.2 state changed to 4
saxjax.js?5:58 ERROR: request id 7.2 error 0 happened
saxjax.js?5:58 WARN: request errored, status: 0, number of errors: 2
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: _throttledRequestHandler called with 1 requests
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 8.2 posting
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 8.2 state changed to 1
strophe.min.js:3 OPTIONS https://cemetech.net:5280/http-bind net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILEDl @ strophe.min.js:3
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 8.3 state changed to 4
saxjax.js?5:58 ERROR: request id 8.3 error 0 happened
saxjax.js?5:58 WARN: request errored, status: 0, number of errors: 3
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: _throttledRequestHandler called with 1 requests
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 9.3 posting
saxjax.js?5:58 DEBUG: request id 9.3 state changed to 1