[FATAL] Entering the stat wizards during an Input or Prompt, then breaking with ON will eventually cause the calculator to reset.
Tested on 4.2, although it appears on any OS version (monochrome or color) that uses 'stat wizards' (the custom input forms for commands like seq( or the Distr stuff), although it behaves a bit differently. It also behaves differently when DCSE is open, but again, it still resets the calculator eventually.
1. Run a BASIC program that has an Input or Prompt command somewhere in it.
2. When the program gets to the Input/Prompt, find one of the commands that uses a Stat Wizard to input its data (stat wizards must be enabled in the MODE menu, of course). These include
seq( [2nd->List->Ops->option 5], the
rand*( commands [Math->Prob->Options 5 through 8] or anything in the
Distr menu [2nd->Vars->anything].
3. Press [ON].
- 3a. If you have DCSE installed, it could do any number of things; show the splash screen (sometimes corrupted) and reset when you press Enter, reset right away, fill the screen with random garbage and then reset, freeze the calc requiring you to manually reset... the list goes on. Ignore everything below, since no matter what your calc will reset here if you have DCSE.
- 3b. If you don't have DCSE installed, though (or are on a monochrome calc, I haven't tested with DCS on monochrome), it'll give you the ERROR:BREAK screen. On the CSE, it'll display 'A' as a description (probably a shortened version of 'Action is Stopped', the normal break message). You'll have two options, as normal, being Quit and Goto.
4a. If you press Goto, your calculator will freeze, requiring you to either press the reset button or take out the batteries (depending on your calc).
4b. If you press Quit, it'll take you to a corrupted-ish version of the homescreen (and the stat wizard menu you broke from) with the cursor in the middle of the screen. You can't do anything here except press 2nd-Quit, or Clear; on the monochrome calc, doing this will reset your calc immediately. On the CSE, this will either do that or fill the screen with random characters and reset when it reaches the bottom.
Two CSE gifs: