<saxjax> (C) [MateoConLechuga] IT WORKS!
<saxjax> (C) [MateoConLechuga] Yay.
<tr1p1ea> oh cool
<saxjax> (C) [MateoConLechuga] Homescreen hooks are a thing.
<tr1p1ea> nice
<saxjax> (C) [MateoConLechuga] It's really fun to enter in one thing and get a different result.
I wonder where the best place to permanently store hooks might be... If we need to, eventually.
<debrouxl> Probably some form of TSR.
<debrouxl> FWIW, on the TI-68k series, a framework for sane handling of multiple, chainable event hooks was developed.
<debrouxl> Not just one, in fact.
<debrouxl> There's at least Kevin Kofler's "EvHk" framework, and Flanker's UTSRLib.
<debrouxl> UTSRLib aims at being more powerful than EvHk, by handling e.g. interrupt handlers, in addition to just event hooks.
<debrouxl> EvHk works in native mode, without installing a so-called "kernel" (usually termed "shells" in TI-Z80 parlance, both terms being equally improper), while UTSRLib leverages the features provided by PreOS.
<debrouxl> There are two good tutorials for EvHk (
http://www.ti-fr.com/?act=66&art=4 ) and UTSRLib (
http://www.ti-fr.com/?act=66&art=11 ), both by the author of UTSRLib... but those aren't written in English.
<tr1p1ea> :S
<debrouxl> The UTSRLib tutorial contains a bit of English text, actually.
<saxjax> (C) *MateoConLechuga added a post in [TI84+CE Documentation]
<debrouxl> The functions of the C API ("Quelles sont les fonctions offertes par UTSRLib ?" section) are documented in English.
<saxjax> (C) [MateoConLechuga] Sounds good; I
<saxjax> (C) [MateoConLechuga] 'll take a look around and see what I can glean.
<debrouxl> Yeah, I think you should
<debrouxl> Kevin Kofler's older EvHk convention certainly has some documentation in English, but if the goal is to design a single convention, I think it's better to start with a more powerful framework.
<debrouxl> I guess I should copy this discussion into the topic.<saxjax> (C) *Lionel Debroux added a post in [TI84+CE Documentation]
<debrouxl> ^
<tr1p1ea> This has been discussed before, however nothing has come to fruition as yet
<saxjax> (C) [MateoConLechuga] Meh, takes work.
<debrouxl> It's not surprising that this was discussed before, indeed
<saxjax> (C) [MateoConLechuga] tr1p1ea: I'm really liking the graphical capabilities on the CE; so many neat programs could be made.
<debrouxl> Over-designing a spec would clearly be bad, but standardizing some things for interoperability, before much non-interoperable code gets written, would be a good thing to do.
<saxjax> (C) [MateoConLechuga] D052C6h looks interesting...
<debrouxl> Multiple programs need event (for you, parser) hooks, fiddling with interrupts, fiddling with the screen mode, etc.
<debrouxl> That's conceivably the job of a "shell" providing some amount of OS / platform abstraction layer, when there is such a shell (i.e. nearly always on the TI-Z80 series and certainly on the brand-new TI-eZ80 series, less frequently on the TI-68k series).