Had to install some ancillary things manually in order to get it up and running, since the autosetup.py acted a bit weird for me. I'm stuck at this last piece, it seems...
It's complaining about a missing GLSLLexer... When I pulled down GLSL-Shader-Editor, it was looking for a `target/generated-sources/antlr4`, which didn't exist. Creating this folder or removing it from the classpath had the same effect: Now it complains about a missing GLSLLexer.
It's complaining about a missing GLSLLexer... When I pulled down GLSL-Shader-Editor, it was looking for a `target/generated-sources/antlr4`, which didn't exist. Creating this folder or removing it from the classpath had the same effect: Now it complains about a missing GLSLLexer.