Thanks for helping with this, Tari. I believe I already have this in my make file but it gives the above mentioned errors - is something wrong with my windows or the makefile itself please?
Code: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clear the implicit built in rules
# Set toolchain location in an environment var for future use, this will change
# to use a system environment var in the future.
ifeq ($(strip $(FXCGSDK)),)
export FXCGSDK := $(abspath ../../)
include $(FXCGSDK)/common/prizm_rules
# TARGET is the name of the output
# BUILD is the directory where object files & intermediate files will be placed
# SOURCES is a list of directories containing source code
# INCLUDES is a list of directories containing extra header files
TARGET := $(notdir $(CURDIR))
BUILD := build
SOURCES := src
DATA := data
# git version controlling mechanism
$(shell touch $(CURDIR)/src/versionProvider.cpp) #force version and timestamp defines to update.
GIT_VERSION = $(shell sh -c 'git describe --abbrev=4 --dirty --always')
GIT_TIMESTAMP += "$(shell git log --pretty=format:'%aD' -1)"
# options for code and add-in generation
MKG3AFLAGS := -n basic:$(TARGET) -n internal:$(TARGET) -i uns:../unselected.bmp -i sel:../selected.bmp
CFLAGS = -Os -flto -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wno-write-strings $(MACHDEP) $(INCLUDE) -DPRIZM -D__GIT_VERSION=\"$(GIT_VERSION)\"
LDFLAGS = $(MACHDEP) -T$(FXCGSDK)/common/prizm.ld -Os -Wl,-static -Wl,-gc-sections
# any extra libraries we wish to link with the project
LIBS := -lfxcg -lgcc -lm -lc
# list of directories containing libraries, this must be the top level containing
# include and lib
# no real need to edit anything past this point unless you need to add additional
# rules for different file extensions
ifneq ($(BUILD),$(notdir $(CURDIR)))
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
export VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(CURDIR)/$(dir))
export DEPSDIR := $(CURDIR)/$(BUILD)
# automatically build a list of object files for our project
CFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)))
CPPFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.cpp)))
sFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)))
SFILES := $(foreach dir,$(SOURCES),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.S)))
BINFILES := $(foreach dir,$(DATA),$(notdir $(wildcard $(dir)/*.*)))
# use CXX for linking C++ projects, CC for standard C
ifeq ($(strip $(CPPFILES)),)
export LD := $(CC)
export LD := $(CXX)
export OFILES := $(addsuffix .o,$(BINFILES)) \
$(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) $(CFILES:.c=.o) \
$(sFILES:.s=.o) $(SFILES:.S=.o)
# build a list of include paths
export INCLUDE := $(foreach dir,$(INCLUDES), -iquote $(CURDIR)/$(dir)) \
$(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-I$(dir)/include) \
# build a list of library paths
export LIBPATHS := $(foreach dir,$(LIBDIRS),-L$(dir)/lib) \
export OUTPUT := $(CURDIR)/$(TARGET)
.PHONY: $(BUILD) clean
@[ -d $@ ] || mkdir $@
@make --no-print-directory -C $(BUILD) -f $(CURDIR)/Makefile
export CYGWIN := nodosfilewarning
$(RM) -fr $(BUILD) $(OUTPUT).bin $(OUTPUT).g3a
DEPENDS := $(OFILES:.o=.d)
# main targets
$(OUTPUT).g3a: $(OUTPUT).bin
$(OUTPUT).bin: $(OFILES)
-include $(DEPENDS)
Is there a different working makefile for windows someone could share with me to try please? Sorry for asking for so much help with this - I was never good with setting things up and compiling ;-(