- CBLConsole, the Cross-Platform CBL/LabPro Utility
- 01 Feb 2015 09:01:37 pm
- Last edited by CVSoft on 15 Mar 2015 03:36:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Just about the dandiest CBL program I've written, CBLConsole replaces all those messy Send( and Get( statements for testing CBL commands with a console-based entry system based off of the Vernier LabPro's RS232 format. It runs on the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus series, TI-84 Plus series (probably including the 84+CSE as no direct screen manipulation is used), TI-85, TI-86, all TI-68k, and on PC via Python 2.7. The TI-73 is currently not supported due to a lack of string support in the OS. The Nspires, TI-84 Plus CE, TI-81, and TI-80 do not support interfacing with a CBL / LabPro, and thus will not be supported.
*insert TI-85/TI-86 screenshot here* *insert TI-68k screenshot here*
CBLConsole includes simple syntax for sending and receiving lists from the CBL: "s{7}" to send the list {7}, and "g" to get a list from the interface. To simplify life, I've added some macros to, for example, convert a list of ASCII values to a string or check the interface for an error condition.

CBLConsole includes simple syntax for sending and receiving lists from the CBL: "s{7}" to send the list {7}, and "g" to get a list from the interface. To simplify life, I've added some macros to, for example, convert a list of ASCII values to a string or check the interface for an error condition.