Noteworthy changes since the previous post:
* the send OS code was tested against a 84+CE by Adriweb, thanks;
* two fixes for the libusb 1.0 context teardown, the main one from Ben "TC01" Rosser and the smaller, but related one by myself;
* Benjamin Moody
fixed remote variable deletion of archived variables on 84+ family DUSB and 89T. The error message made it sound like the feature was not supported, which probably explains why we didn't get more complaints, but that wasn't true

* I integrated
the GrayLink fix from the patched libticables provided by TI-Edit. Peter Engels says that enabling DTR, for power supply purposes, fixes the operation of a third-party GrayLink, and that the fix makes the behaviour of libticables match the behaviour of the old TI-GraphLink software. IOW, the old behaviour of libticables was incorrect.
* as usual, I performed scattered fixes and cleanups, pretty much invisible to the end user, unless you're e.g. an user of FreeBSD or OpenBSD which compiles pre-release versions of libti*;
* I added more functions in the libraries, for symmetry and abstraction of the libraries' implementation, and for moving code originating from tilp and titools where it belongs. Those are invisible to the end user as well.
biohax17 and whoever else made third-party GrayLink-compatible cables: I need your help for testing your cables against this version of libticables
Although the new libticables behaviour is here to stay, for the reasons stated above, it would be unfriendly to break operation of your cables (though I doubt it's going to happen) in an official TILP release without prior notice.
An updated glimpse into the libti*/gfm/tilp todo/wish/bug list file, which is over 35 KB large, partially due to verbatim excerpts of e-mails:
* current development cycle:
- moving several more functions from clients to libti*;
- TILP UI changes for > 1 level of folders on the Nspire, I suppose;
- new functions for parsing data in TI certificate format, used on all TI graphing calculator series;
- Jonimus' driver-less support for BlackLink / $4 cable on Windows, based on bit-banging;
- other fixes and improvements, most of which invisible to end users.
* later development cycles:
- more code motion from clients to libti*, including a new "libtiopers" library;
- TCP client and TCP server cables;
- reworked, much improved packet logging and dissection;
- further improvement to USB calculator probing;
- portable, generic Nspire OS dumping (functionality known from BrandonW's Fron);
- add a TILP menu entry for exiting the PTT mode (greyed out if not connected to a Nspire);
The usual links:
* Windows installer download: .
* Source code: (experimental branch) + (experimental branch).
* install script for anything non-Windows which is handled by TILP: .
EDIT in 2021: updated the link to the *nix install script.