It looks like we're well on our way to having 999 versions of the game "2048" for the monochrome and color calculators, so I think we needn't worry about that any more.
I think after minesweeper get's finished, I'll start on a battleship game. That should be fun.
Okay, I think this might have some good ideas...
Mario Kart
Jetpack Joyride
Fruit Ninja
Minecraft (not necessarily 3d, but that would be epic...)
And a game like this...
Although I agree all of those above entries would be impressive and highly downloaded, I just don't see how the 6/15mHz calculator running a 320x240 color display could keep up with almost any of those.
Mario, shifting the screen left by a tile and only redrawing the right most column would still be probably slow, although more playable out of that selection. A mode 7 Mario kart might be possible but with the calculations needed it might run very slow. A Pokemon game, which doesn't need a high level of screen redraws would be possible, albeit I'm not sure how fast a tile mapper would run through xlibc or asm. Zelda might be a tad bit harder as with enemy movement etc it could get messy. As for jet pack joyride... It's all based on screen drawing every second, not sure how well that would play out. Minecraft would be near impossible as the over clocked ti-Nspire doesn't even get very good fps with a program similar to it. Maybe a slow side scrolling 2D and with no mobs.. But then it wouldn't be minecraft.
It's okay that's the sort if things we need, ideas! So please don't think I'm bashing anybody's ideas. Just explaining a bit
Okay. I was just wondering.
tr1p1ea made a Mario Kart mode 7 demo, but I don't remember if he had collision implemented nor what ever happened to the project.
DJ_O wrote:
tr1p1ea made a Mario Kart mode 7 demo, but I don't remember if he had collision implemented nor what ever happened to the project.
It was just a graphics engine demo, not a full game. The topic for it is here.
You know, I think it would be really nice, unless this would be too hard to make (which I don't think it would be) to make it so when you boot up your calculator, you need a password.
Homerun hook that triggers a program on powerup, and set that program to a Password utility.
on non-color calcs, ZStart can do this.
What? Most of those would run just fine. Mario would, as zelda said, as would Fruit Ninja - it was already made for the monochrome calcs, and it was impressive then! And Minecraft 2D runs just fine on the Nspire, plus in Lua not assembly. Most anything made for the monochrome calcs would run on the color, I'm sure, if the resolution was decreased accordingly - I still think there will someday come a TI-83+/84+/SE emulator for the CSE.
Although I am used to longer wait times and lower FPS; I use a Pentium machine with 16MB of RAM.
You must not realize how much slower the display is on the color calcs over the monochrome ones. A lot of the games feasible on the monochrome aren't going to be nearly as fast on the color.
Not really; can't find much info on that. The Mode7 demo was sure impressive though, as was the GB emulator and others.
I think it would be nice to make a password program on startup (which, of course, would only work with Doors CSE and could possibly be on the option list.)
Sorry about the second post. I just edited it and it did that or something.
KermMartian wrote:
Here's what my current to-do list looks like, as far as on-calc programs and games goes:
- Finish Doors CSE 8.0 and release
- Finish Jezzball for the 83+/84+ and 84+CSE and release
- Port Graph3DP as an assembly program in full-resolution mode
- Explore feasibility of a color Invalid Tangram
Edit: Of course, if anyone would like to collaborate on Invalid Tangram, I'd be more than willing to discuss that.
Porting Graph3DP... that would be awesome! I'd love to see that happen.
As usual, I have a list of projects that I want to tackle that will probably take 3-4 years at my current rate (some related to the 84+CSE, others to the 83/84+).
Unfortunately, calculator programming doesn't pay nearly as well as web/database programming

And whilst I enjoy the calc stuff a whole lot, I enjoy skydiving more. So calc-coding tends to fill spare time during bad weather days
ordelore wrote:
I just realized that only Puzzle Frenzy still needs to be ported.
Sounds like it would be a fun one to port! I used to play this one for ages... Time for me to get started!
zeldaking wrote:
Although I agree all of those above entries would be impressive and highly downloaded, I just don't see how the 6/15mHz calculator running a 320x240 color display could keep up with almost any of those.
Mario, shifting the screen left by a tile and only redrawing the right most column would still be probably slow, although more playable out of that selection. A mode 7 Mario kart might be possible but with the calculations needed it might run very slow. A Pokemon game, which doesn't need a high level of screen redraws would be possible, albeit I'm not sure how fast a tile mapper would run through xlibc or asm. Zelda might be a tad bit harder as with enemy movement etc it could get messy. As for jet pack joyride... It's all based on screen drawing every second, not sure how well that would play out. Minecraft would be near impossible as the over clocked ti-Nspire doesn't even get very good fps with a program similar to it. Maybe a slow side scrolling 2D and with no mobs.. But then it wouldn't be minecraft.
It's okay that's the sort if things we need, ideas! So please don't think I'm bashing anybody's ideas. Just explaining a bit
Actually, you can look forward to Mario, a well known ASM coder who goes by "Assembly Bandit" is working on a Mario project after he finishes his "Code Zombie" project.
Mario - Horizontal scrolling only at this stage but can be super fast. Should be very feasible and there are several graphics demo's around by a few people. We should see one of these games soon with any luck.
Mario Kart - Mode7 demo's exist and at this stage run pretty well. I have a small demo that isnt fully optimised that runs at around 18fps. However the actual drawing space is limited for speed reasons
Pokemon/Zelda - The most likely chance of success for these types of games would be 'screen-by-screen' scrolling as opposed to smooth scrolling (which is very slow vertically at present) or tile scrolling. This would still allow sprites to move smoothly around the screen. Given that there is a higher screen resolution there is the benefit of being able to fit more on the screen as well. Screen scrolling works decently enough in BASIC+libs (see screenshot) so in ASM it could be even better.
Minecraft - I experimented with an isometric tilemapper a little while ago and while visually can look pretty good, my unoptimised version is very slow due to redraw issues. However you could still create an isometric version of this kind of game or even a 2D version that would have the same limitations as a possible Pokemon/Zelda mapper. Screen-by-screen scrolling would almost be a necessity.
Wireframe 3D engine - This is probably one of the best types of games/engines to port across to the 84C since drawing lines is actually not too taxing on the calc, all things considered. If confined to a 128x120 portion of the screen (with the remainder for a HUD), there can be an even greater speed benefit. There is a slim chance that solid 3D polygon engines might also work, but these would be a fair bit slower and any interactive games would be very low detail only.
(Sorry some of the screenies are pre-jsTIfied era).
Ok a big suggestion to anyone willing to take a challenge.
Recently I found this game which is pretty cool, its for iPhone and its called "Monument Valley"
I really love the simple look and concept of the game. Here is the official website:
Basically you control a princess through impossible architecture.
Its definitely one of my favorites and I highly encourage someone to do this.
I'm not sure how the interface would work but thats the challenge
If you need screenshots or anything I have the game.
Maybe a war game, such as "commanding" an army. Like just sending out a bunch of soldiers represented by points on a graph. And the more enemies you kill the more money you have to buy more soldiers. I have already made a swarm program that uses an ai to make a large group of points go to a certain spot. All I would need is some modification to that program.