Cemetech has seen an amazing influx of new users in the last few weeks and the staff are grateful to have everyone with us but, we've seen some practices that can be easily remedied. Please read and understand the following. All of these will henceforth be referred to as the "Official Rules."
Please search for topics of interest. We have a Google Search bar located in the header of the site. You can also go to Google and search what you're looking for by amending "site:cemetech.net" to the end. It also works with other websites! Here are the tips and tricks to use with Google.
Searching may not find what you're looking for. If you need help with a problem try typing fixed, solved or another synonym and see if that helps. If not, check the dedicated topics we have stickied in each respective forum category and search the pages (actually using your browser to search each page for a word or two will be tons faster). I'm going to leave it to you guys to search and find the suggestions & bug report topics, but here are three bug reports topics to get you started:
When posting about a bug to get help, please be as specific as possible! We can't do our job in fixing an issue unless we know everything about it. If it's a bug report for jsTIfied, the website, TokenIDE or something else we need information such as the precise version number of your browser, your OS and steps to reproduce it. These steps can include a link to the program that crashed jsTIfied or was parsed wrong in SourceCoder; if it's a jsTIfied issue we just need the OS of the ROM and the calculator as KermM (or another user) will likely have that OS on an existing calculator that they can use.
If searching can't find anything even after getting specific and stuff, use some logic to deduce where it could go. We have the forum separated into categories and into sub-categories (pictured). Our sub-categories are set up so that popular topics have their own location and not mixed in with other topics. If you look at the picture, you would post anything not related to Calculator Hardware or Electronics/Hardware Development to the Technology & Calculator Open Topic. If you are unsure, click the parent category (in this case Technology & Calculator Open Topic) and the sub-categories will be separated at the top with descriptions. Use these descriptions to appropriately search existing and make new topics.
When searching, if you need help with a TI-BASIC program, or saw a topic that helped you before, it's best to start under the "TI-BASIC" category. Always check the topics before making a new one, it's possible someone had the same issue you did. Search isn't perfect and may not show relevant topics first or find them at all. If it's not in the first page or two, feel free to make a new topic. Keep in mind when looking through our topics that Cemetech has been around for a long time. We have a great many posts spanning back nearly a decade. It is general netiquette to not post in topics that are a year old or older, and your post may be either deleted or split into a new topic.
Red/Top: Category; Green/Bottom: Sub-Category
You can also find other resources nested in the "Tools" page in the navigation up top. Links in here include information about calculators (and FAQs!) as well as a link to our Wiki for DoorsCS.
Now that you have been brought up to speed with this crash-course searching and finding resources, let's cover rules of engagement.
Rules of Engagement
You need to make an effort. The more you help yourself the more the staff and our user base will be inclined to help you; you get out when you put in. Asking for help because you claim to be lazy or because you are on mobile isn't a valid reason. If you need help urgently, we have a chat bar to the side (click Pop-Out SAX in the footer on mobile) and you can ask but we may not be able to help out for a while. You can also use SAX to bump your topic, if you haven't had any new posts for a few hours you can bump us to read it. Again, we may not respond immediately because we either don't have an answer, don't have the time or no one is active/online. This is the appropriate way to avoid double-posting.
When you post directly after yourself in a topic within 24 hours, it's considered double posting. There are times when 18 to 23 hours is acceptable but it's best to use the
button in the top right portion of your post when you need to amend something. SAX will do its job and let the forum know that you updated your post. Double posts will typically be merged together by admins but repeat abusers may find that their consecutive posts are being deleted without being merged.
After a few posts you may discover that L-O-L is automatically changed to lol. Our reasoning for changing the alphabetic version to the hexadecimal version partly for the sake of being nerdy but also to discourage it's ambiguous use. L-O-L went from meaning extreme joy and amusement to a generic expression, similar to a smiley. L-O-L is not something you put after a serious question or use for the sake of it. You can read up on the reasoning here.
General Rules
Cemetech is a professional site where you can expect to get courteous and helpful feedback and discussions. So - of course - make posts like you'd want to receive them, with lots of information. If you're posting a bug or for help, include any information so the first 5 posts aren't getting more information from you. If you see a help topic, take the time to do a search for the topic starter. Summarize your findings and link to posts so they can advance their search. If you have direct knowledge, share it! The admins aren't the only ones who can help. All we do is provide our personal experience, do a search for you and link to any relevant pages. If that help topic is barren of useful info, ask questions to get as much info to their problem as possible. We do censor bad words on the forum and in the SAX widget. Do not attempt to evade the censor, you may be temp-banned and even permanently banned depending on your number of previous (and even unrelated) offenses.
When formatting posts, be formal and educated. Use proper grammar and spelling; most popular browsers these days have spell and grammar check. Don't post in caps either. We don't need to come off as yelling. There's really no situation where you need to use capital letters, if you need to emphasize something then use the BBC code to bold a few words. Don't use color for no reason and if you do, keep in mind the color your post will appear on as yellow and light gray aren't easy on the eyes. When you post this way you come off more professional and appear like an adult.
Regarding our methods of Instant Messaging on the site, this is subject to the same rules. Keep it professional. We have various bots in the channel that add functionality. Please do not abuse these bots. Doing so will result in getting kicked from the channel and if you're doing so through SAX, your SAX privileges will be revoked. SAX is a tool that connects you directly to our Internet Relay Chat room (IRC Channel) where we are in active and related discussions (most of the time.) If an on-topic discussion is happening (such as how to set OS flags in ASM), that discussion takes precedence over topics like Minecraft* and School. Do not nag admins or users to post in your topic. We see it, I promise. Whether we have a response or the time read/respond is not determined by the amount of times you ask us to reply to/view your topic. Our users and admins have a mix of work, school, social lives and extracurricular/volunteer activities - even all 4! - and sometimes sitting down to a movie and a beverage or taking a nap is what they'd rather do with their down time.
Of course, the Terms of Service you agreed to upon registration is still applicable.
I hope this advice has been helpful. We enjoy moderating Cemetech and, with your help, to maintain the "Quality-over-Quantity" mantra. If you have any questions about any of this please feel free to post under this topic. If you have private questions about some content on Cemetech please PM myself or another admin.
*For Minecraft, we have a channel you can join. Once on IRC join #Cemetech-MC, it features a live feed of the chat in our server as well!
Future amendments will be clearly dated (MM/DD/YY) to avoid retroactive enforcement of rules.
Please search for topics of interest. We have a Google Search bar located in the header of the site. You can also go to Google and search what you're looking for by amending "site:cemetech.net" to the end. It also works with other websites! Here are the tips and tricks to use with Google.

Searching may not find what you're looking for. If you need help with a problem try typing fixed, solved or another synonym and see if that helps. If not, check the dedicated topics we have stickied in each respective forum category and search the pages (actually using your browser to search each page for a word or two will be tons faster). I'm going to leave it to you guys to search and find the suggestions & bug report topics, but here are three bug reports topics to get you started:
- SourceCoder
- Website
- jsTIfied
When posting about a bug to get help, please be as specific as possible! We can't do our job in fixing an issue unless we know everything about it. If it's a bug report for jsTIfied, the website, TokenIDE or something else we need information such as the precise version number of your browser, your OS and steps to reproduce it. These steps can include a link to the program that crashed jsTIfied or was parsed wrong in SourceCoder; if it's a jsTIfied issue we just need the OS of the ROM and the calculator as KermM (or another user) will likely have that OS on an existing calculator that they can use.
If searching can't find anything even after getting specific and stuff, use some logic to deduce where it could go. We have the forum separated into categories and into sub-categories (pictured). Our sub-categories are set up so that popular topics have their own location and not mixed in with other topics. If you look at the picture, you would post anything not related to Calculator Hardware or Electronics/Hardware Development to the Technology & Calculator Open Topic. If you are unsure, click the parent category (in this case Technology & Calculator Open Topic) and the sub-categories will be separated at the top with descriptions. Use these descriptions to appropriately search existing and make new topics.
When searching, if you need help with a TI-BASIC program, or saw a topic that helped you before, it's best to start under the "TI-BASIC" category. Always check the topics before making a new one, it's possible someone had the same issue you did. Search isn't perfect and may not show relevant topics first or find them at all. If it's not in the first page or two, feel free to make a new topic. Keep in mind when looking through our topics that Cemetech has been around for a long time. We have a great many posts spanning back nearly a decade. It is general netiquette to not post in topics that are a year old or older, and your post may be either deleted or split into a new topic.

Red/Top: Category; Green/Bottom: Sub-Category
You can also find other resources nested in the "Tools" page in the navigation up top. Links in here include information about calculators (and FAQs!) as well as a link to our Wiki for DoorsCS.
Now that you have been brought up to speed with this crash-course searching and finding resources, let's cover rules of engagement.
Rules of Engagement
You need to make an effort. The more you help yourself the more the staff and our user base will be inclined to help you; you get out when you put in. Asking for help because you claim to be lazy or because you are on mobile isn't a valid reason. If you need help urgently, we have a chat bar to the side (click Pop-Out SAX in the footer on mobile) and you can ask but we may not be able to help out for a while. You can also use SAX to bump your topic, if you haven't had any new posts for a few hours you can bump us to read it. Again, we may not respond immediately because we either don't have an answer, don't have the time or no one is active/online. This is the appropriate way to avoid double-posting.
When you post directly after yourself in a topic within 24 hours, it's considered double posting. There are times when 18 to 23 hours is acceptable but it's best to use the

After a few posts you may discover that L-O-L is automatically changed to lol. Our reasoning for changing the alphabetic version to the hexadecimal version partly for the sake of being nerdy but also to discourage it's ambiguous use. L-O-L went from meaning extreme joy and amusement to a generic expression, similar to a smiley. L-O-L is not something you put after a serious question or use for the sake of it. You can read up on the reasoning here.
General Rules
Cemetech is a professional site where you can expect to get courteous and helpful feedback and discussions. So - of course - make posts like you'd want to receive them, with lots of information. If you're posting a bug or for help, include any information so the first 5 posts aren't getting more information from you. If you see a help topic, take the time to do a search for the topic starter. Summarize your findings and link to posts so they can advance their search. If you have direct knowledge, share it! The admins aren't the only ones who can help. All we do is provide our personal experience, do a search for you and link to any relevant pages. If that help topic is barren of useful info, ask questions to get as much info to their problem as possible. We do censor bad words on the forum and in the SAX widget. Do not attempt to evade the censor, you may be temp-banned and even permanently banned depending on your number of previous (and even unrelated) offenses.
When formatting posts, be formal and educated. Use proper grammar and spelling; most popular browsers these days have spell and grammar check. Don't post in caps either. We don't need to come off as yelling. There's really no situation where you need to use capital letters, if you need to emphasize something then use the BBC code to bold a few words. Don't use color for no reason and if you do, keep in mind the color your post will appear on as yellow and light gray aren't easy on the eyes. When you post this way you come off more professional and appear like an adult.

Regarding our methods of Instant Messaging on the site, this is subject to the same rules. Keep it professional. We have various bots in the channel that add functionality. Please do not abuse these bots. Doing so will result in getting kicked from the channel and if you're doing so through SAX, your SAX privileges will be revoked. SAX is a tool that connects you directly to our Internet Relay Chat room (IRC Channel) where we are in active and related discussions (most of the time.) If an on-topic discussion is happening (such as how to set OS flags in ASM), that discussion takes precedence over topics like Minecraft* and School. Do not nag admins or users to post in your topic. We see it, I promise. Whether we have a response or the time read/respond is not determined by the amount of times you ask us to reply to/view your topic. Our users and admins have a mix of work, school, social lives and extracurricular/volunteer activities - even all 4! - and sometimes sitting down to a movie and a beverage or taking a nap is what they'd rather do with their down time.
Of course, the Terms of Service you agreed to upon registration is still applicable.
I hope this advice has been helpful. We enjoy moderating Cemetech and, with your help, to maintain the "Quality-over-Quantity" mantra. If you have any questions about any of this please feel free to post under this topic. If you have private questions about some content on Cemetech please PM myself or another admin.
*For Minecraft, we have a channel you can join. Once on IRC join #Cemetech-MC, it features a live feed of the chat in our server as well!
Future amendments will be clearly dated (MM/DD/YY) to avoid retroactive enforcement of rules.